2023-04-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘

第二十六任 究給企仟法座座主,2020年8月為臺灣薩迦寺(國際八思巴顯密佛學院)及 確吉蔣稱金剛上師祝福

我非常隨喜我們臺灣薩迦寺的金剛上師 確吉蔣稱,他在臺灣為了關懷利益眾生,不畏艱苦的建立了臺灣薩迦寺,而且我也非常隨喜一切在建寺上的贊助者與義工們,希望建寺圓滿、法喜充滿!
第二十六任 究給企仟法座座主 法照
第二十六任 究給企仟法座座主 法照
我們佛法的角度來說,我們要創造學習佛法和修行佛法的環境是非常重要的,如果我們沒有這些環境,那我們就像黑暗中一樣,沒有辦法從黑暗中脫離。這個的意思是我們沒有辦法離苦。比如說,有一個病的人來說,他想要治病的話,那他一定要靠醫藥具足的醫院和醫生。如果有這些條件的話,可以有機會治病。如果沒有這些條件的話,那沒有辦法治病。 ​ 大家都也知道,這次我們的這個傳染病或者說這個疫情病,有些地方沒有足夠醫院、醫生和沒有醫藥的情況下,很多病人沒辦法治病,很多人死亡。所以對病人來說,這些醫藥、醫生、醫院,這些是非常重要的。
同樣的道理,我們所有在輪迴中受苦的眾生來說,學習佛法和修行佛法的環境,比如說寺院、學院、老師、講佛法的老師,這些是非常非常重要的,也不可以缺少的。如果我們有這樣的條件的話,那我們有機會去學習佛法,我們有機會去修行佛法。然後我們也有改善自己的行為、改善自己的思想。所以對我們來說,如果我們想要離苦的話,那這些前面講的這些條件是不可缺少的,所以非常重要。 ​ 所以我在這裡,我們臺灣薩迦寺的金剛上師 確吉蔣稱,我希望他的佛行事業宏展,能利益到很多眾生。謝謝!
I immensely rejoice towards Vajra Master Chokyi Gyaltsen of Taiwan Sakya Monastery. To care and benefit sentient beings in Taiwan, he overcame various hardships to construct Taiwan Sakya Monastery. I rejoice with all volunteers and supporters whom assisted in the building of the monastery. I wish for the swift success in the construction and boundless joy in the propagation of dharma! ​ From dharma’s perspective, the creation of an environment for learning and practise of dharma is of tremendous importance. If we do not possess such an environment, it would be akin to being trapped in darkness, where one would not be able to liberate from darkness. This means that we are not able to be liberated from sufferings. For a patient who wishes to receive treatment, he has to rely upon hospitals with adequate medical facilities and doctors. If we possess such conditions, we would be able to receive treatment. If we do not possess such conditions, we would not be able to receive treatment. ​ We are all very much aware of the current pandemic of covid, there are places without adequate hospitals, doctors and medical facilities, causing patients to not be able to receive treatment, resulting in the death of many. Towards patients, these medical facilities, doctors and hospitals are of paramount importance. ​ Similarly, to us and all sentient beings who are suffering in the depths of samsara, the environment to which we learn and practise Buddhadharma. For instance, monasteries, dharma institutes, teachers, especially those who teaches dharma are of paramount importance, and none of these conditions should be lacking. With these conditions, we will have the opportunity to learn and practise the Buddhadharma. We will then be able to transform our behaviour and transform our minds. Therefore, to us, if we wish to be free from sufferings, therefore, the conditions as mentioned before should not be lacking, thus it’s importance. ​ Therefore, I hereby wish our Taiwan’s Sakya Monastery, Vajra Master Chokyi Gyaltsen, I wish that all his dharma activities prevades thru space, benefitting countless sentient beings. Thank you!
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