2023-04-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

迴響極短篇|The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window

  1. 劇作家Lorraine Hansberry描繪1960年代紐約格林威治村一群知識分子/藝術家的生活。
  2. 從2023年往回看,過去六十年改變不大,人面對差不多的問題,關於社會、藝術、文化和政治。理想幾乎每每令人失望。
  3. Oscar Isaac在舞台上能量超強、演技精湛!
BAM -  The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window
BAM - The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window
  1. This play written by Lorraine Hansberry depicted the life of an intellectual community in New York City's Greenwich Village, in the 1960s.
  2. Well, it seems that the world has not changed much in the past 60 years in the aspect of society, art, culture, and politics. One’s ideal fails him/herself almost constantly.
  3. Oscar Isaac was radiant on stage with incredible acting.

✍️ 陳悉 不再期待以藝文工作維生的社會人士。感受比思考快,思考比書寫快太多,然而時間太少。正在練習把它們好好寫下來。

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