2023-04-09|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘


自疫情爆發以來,國際郵輪一直暫停進入台灣。3月份開放國際郵輪的到來,重啟了外國遊客前來佛光山與佛館的朝聖之旅。分別是「七海探索者號」、「威士特丹號」、「諾蒂卡號」和「七海水手號」共四艘郵輪,搭載了來自美國、 加拿大、澳洲、歐洲等國家的五百多位國際遊客 來到佛館參觀。
來自美國的Tom先生與太太第一次來佛館,覺得佛館的建築與環境很棒,雖然本身不是素食者, 但今天吃到的素食讓他們覺得很驚艷。
同樣來自美國的 Lizzie女士讚歎印象最深刻的景點是五和塔,得知五和塔還可以舉辦婚禮時,他感到非常驚喜。對他來說,這是一種全新的體驗,能夠在五和塔舉辦佛化婚禮,也能展現出既有意義又浪漫的氛圍。
接下來五月及六月預計會有2艘郵輪停靠高雄港,分別是「漢莎自然號」及「英希格號」,未來 隨著國際郵輪市場的不斷擴大,作為國際旅遊地標 的佛陀紀念館將會吸引更多的國際遊客前來參訪。
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, international cruises have been suspended from entering Taiwan. The arrival of international cruises in March restarted the pilgrimage journey of international tourists to the Buddha Museum. Four cruise ships, including SevenSeas Explorer, Westerdam, Nautica, and Seven Seas Mariner carried over 500 tourists from the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe to the Buddha Museum.
The International Affairs Department provided detailed explanations at several locations within the Museum, allowing international tourists to better understand Buddhist culture and teachings.
Although most of the tourists are not Buddhists, they were deeply attracted by the Museums spiritual and peaceful atmosphere.
With its unique architecture and friendly environment, Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum has become one of the most popular tourist attractions among cruise visitors in recent years.
Tom and his wife from the United States visited the Buddha Museum for the first time, and were amazed by the architecture and vegetarian food. Lizzie, another tourist from the United States, was pleasantly surprised that weddings can be hosted at the Five Harmonies Pagoda, and commented on the venueas“creating a meaningful and romantic atmosphere.”
In May and June, two more cruises, the Hanseatic Nature and Insignia, will be expected to dock in Kaohsiung. As a landmark in Kaohsiung, the Buddha Museum is ready to receive more tourists as the international cruise market continues to expand.
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