2013-03-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 20 分鐘




    The president of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) under the United Nations Convention of Law of Sea (UNCLOS) appointed Polish judge after German judge as the second member of the five-members arbitration tribunal.  The Polish judge, as an amicus curiae, plays as a the part of China, for the latter kept rejecting the arbitration.
    China signed and approved UNCLOS, meaning she has to honor treaty obligation while enjoying the rights.  Beijing’s continuous rejection suggests that China is reluctant to be as a decent player of the international community.
    On the other hand, Xi Jin-ping was asserting his newly invented “fit my feet” to defend Chinese stance of the sovereignty utmost.
    No one knows what path Xi will take: Beijing either walks out on the UNCLOS, just as Japan Empire did in March 27th, 193,3 and further agitates Chinese Nationalism domestically, or shifts her nationalist the Nine-dash-lines improper policy of territorial waters and sabotage her legitimacy to rule.
    As the third party to the case and the dispute, Japanese ambassador expressed to the Philippines that it was “understandable” and added “we are not taking sides,” just like what the US pointed out referring to the Senkakus dispute.    revised on 20130327

    有趣在這裡:因中國抵制,庭長任命第三國籍(波蘭)法官代表中國出庭,這是使用仲裁庭的「法庭之友」(amicus curiae)。德國法官為五人仲裁團成員之一,還剩三位近日補足。
    日本,對此表示 understandable ,但表示 we are not taking sides. 這和美國對尖閣的主權議題一樣,並非投機,而是自己身為法理上無關的第三方,雙方的爭議只能由雙方解決。  

    國際法庭欲強行仲裁南海爭端 日籍庭長任命仲裁團◎環球時報(2013.03.26







      邢廣梅認為,靠外界指點,菲律賓在此次法律行動上展現了利用國際遊戲規則的一定水準,中國應對起來比較為難。接下來,國際海洋法法庭在初步仲裁階段將首先確認法庭是否對此案具有管轄權,邢廣梅說,如果該法庭能不受其他因素幹擾,從法理上理應做出對此案不具備管轄權的結論,並不受理菲律賓提交的仲裁。《聯合國海洋法公約》第15部分第3節第298條規定,如果當事方之間的爭端涉及到大陸或島嶼主權,則不應該接受強制仲裁。【環球時報駐德國特約記者 青木 環球時報記者 劉暢】   

    Sea tribunal names judge to PH arbitration case vs China over Spratlys areaInquirer Global Nation2013.03.25http://globalnation.inquirer.net/70257/itlos-names-judge-to-ph-arbitration-case-vs-china-over-spratlys-area#ixzz2ObdFMw7x

    MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines’ arbitration case against China has moved a step forward after the president of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Itlos) appointed the second member of the ad hoc tribunal that would deliberate on the country’s bid to stop Chinese incursions into the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

    The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) confirmed on Monday that the Itlos president, Judge Shunji Yanai, appointed Polish Itlos Judge Stanislaw Pawlak to the panel last week, leaving only three more slots to be filled in the tribunal.

    Pawlak will join the panel with German Judge Rudiger Wolfrum, the arbiter appointed by the Philippines when it announced its arbitration bid in January.

    The Polish judge’s appointment is the first for Yanai, who took on the task of composing the arbitral panel after China announced its rejection of the proceedings.

    Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos), the international law the Philippines invoked in seeking arbitration, the Itlos president has the power to appoint members of the panel in case one party refuses to take part in the proceedings.

    China waived its right to name its representatives to the ad hoc panel upon formally announcing its rejection of the proceedings.

    “The next step will be for the Itlos president to appoint the other three members of the arbitral tribunal upon the written request of the Philippines,” DFA spokesperson Assistant Secretary Raul Hernandez told a briefing on Monday.

    He reiterated that the arbitration would be a peaceful process to settle disputes in the contested waters.

    “We stress that arbitration is a peaceful and durable form of dispute settlement pursuant to international law,” said Hernandez.

    The Philippines went to the UN in January in hopes of halting Chinese incursions into the West Philippine Sea and nullifying China’s nine-dash line, which encroaches into established Philippine maritime boundaries.

    The DFA had contended that the nine-dash line was an “excessive claim in violation of international law, the Unclos.” Both countries ratified the international law but disagreed on interpreting its letter, particularly on the matter of maritime boundaries.

    The move specifically seeks to stop the Chinese occupation and construction on smaller islands in the West Philippine Sea that are claimed by the Philippines and hopes to compel the Chinese to respect the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

    The DFA had said it took the legal action after exhausting all other means to peacefully settle the dispute.

    But China rejected the Philippines’ move citing “indisputable sovereignty” over resource-rich territories in the West Philippine Sea and asserted that the issue should be resolved through direct negotiations between the two countries.

    While impartial on the merits of the case, several countries have expressed support for the Philippines’ decision to take a peaceful step toward resolving the dispute, among them, the United States and Germany.  The United Nations also took the same position.

    Japan, which has its own territorial dispute with China over islands in the East China Sea, said the Philippines’ move was “understandable.”

    “I think it’s understandable, the solution that [the Philippines is] seeking… they are not using force and they are trying to find the peaceful solution under the rule of law.  So in that sense we totally understand the Philippine action,” said Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines Toshinao Urabe in a recent interview.

    We’re just waiting for what’s going to happen.  So we totally understand the action, but we’re not taking sides,” he said.

    The envoy happens to know the Itlos president, a compatriot, and remarked that the judge would be fair in handling the arbitration case against China despite its dispute with Japan.

    “It doesn’t matter [that the Itlos president is Japanese].  It’s under the rule of law.  And I know him.  He’s a very impartial person, a very understanding person and I don’t think he will use his position to advance the national interest,” Urabe said.


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