2012-06-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 11 分鐘

撿回失落的拼圖:美紐軍事合作宣言(Washington Declaration on Defense Cooperation)

    NZ 頭人為何握手那樣不自然?嬌其妻妾,或表演給國內反對派看的吧?
    Panetta 是地主,就由 NZ 表演吧。

    撿回失落的拼圖:美紐軍事合作宣言(Washington Declaration on Defense Cooperation

    ANZUS was signed on September 1, 1951, a week before the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace with Japan. 
    However, NZ has a quarrel with the US since 1970s over whether NZ should allow US nuclear power marine vessels to call at NZ’s ports.  Then the treaty then partly broke in 1985 -- NZ left the alliance. 
    Facing the new threats, including the climate change and the Chinese territorial claim over almost the entire South China Sea, NZ found it necessary to have a new declaration on the freedom of navigation and to share security commitment with her traditional allies.  Hence, the de facto alliance of NZ-US is formed.    revised on 20120621
    ANZUS covers Taiwan.  Wikipedia thus wrote:

    One topic that became prominent in the 2000s are its implications in the case of a hypothetical attack by the People's Republic of China against the Republic of China on Taiwan, who would likely receive American support.  While Australia has strong cultural and economic ties with the United States, it also has an increasingly important trade relationship with mainland China.

    In August 2004, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer implied in Beijing that the treaty would likely not apply to that situation, but he was quickly corrected by then Prime Minister John Howard.  In March 2005, after an official of the People's Republic of China stated that it may be necessary for Australia to reassess the treaty and after the PRC passed an Anti-Session Law regarding the ROC, Downer stated that in case of a PRC attack on the ROC, the treaty would come into force, but that the treaty would require only consultations with the United States and not necessarily commit Australia to war.  

    合作程度不同所致吧,今後這個NZ former ally 將變成 de facto ally

    重返亞太新步驟 美紐簽署防禦協定NOWNews2012.06.20

    紐西蘭國防部長柯爾曼(Jonathan Coleman)表示,除了兩國軍方之間的聯合演習及其他合作事項,協定內容也包括舉行安全對話。不過他也重申,紐西蘭並未改變長久以來禁止美國搭載核武軍艦停靠的立場
    不過隨著紐西蘭在1970年代環保及反核等議題提高為國家對外政策核心後,美紐軍事關係開始產生質變。1985紐西蘭執政黨拒絕讓美國核子潛艇進入紐西蘭的港口,美國立即中止與紐西蘭之間的軍事合作關係,並且將紐西蘭從《澳紐美安全條約》中排除,美國政府更屢次以「前盟友」(Former Ally)來稱呼紐西蘭,直到兩國在2010年簽署「威靈頓宣言」後,雙邊關係開始解凍。


    United States, New Zealand Sign Defense Cooperation ArrangementDoD2012.06.19

    Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and New Zealand Minister of Defence Jonathan Coleman signed the “Washington Declarationat the Pentagon today to expand the defense relationship between the United States and New Zealand.

    The declaration provides a framework for cooperation to focus, strengthen and expand the bilateral defense relationship.  It promotes a common vision for defense cooperation in order to strengthen and expand practical bilateral cooperation.

    The “Washington Declaration” opens up defense dialogues that include the exchange of information and strategic perspectives and increase understanding of defense policies.  It reflects a shared commitment to a stable and peaceful Asia-Pacific region and common approaches to address the region’s defense and security issues, including contemporary non-traditional security challenges.

    The partnership will include security cooperation in areas such as maritime security cooperation, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and peacekeeping support operations.

    The “Washington Declaration” was signed a week after commemorative events took place in cities across New Zealand celebrating the 70th Anniversary of U.S. forces coming to the aid of New Zealand in World War II.

    A copy of the “Washington Declaration” is available at http://www.defense.gov/news/WashingtonDeclaration.pdf

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