
更新於 發佈於 閱讀時間約 22 分鐘

【Comment】Japan and the Philippines, Japan and ASEAN countries are enhancing their mutual cooperation recently.
With the US as the pivot, these countries are united paradoxically by the hegemony of emerging China, just as the US grouped countries of the West Pacific Rim and ASEAN under the threat of the USSR in the age of the Cold War.  Now, significantly, Japan has joined the chessboard and takes the active role of a second pivot, whose security responsibility covers the area of South China Sea.
ANZUS will not be an outsider.  They will soon join the hands with ASEAN under the “basic values,” “common strategic interests,” and “common vision and principles.”   revised at 1800





















3. 両首脳は、両国が、自由、民主主義、基本的人権、法の支配などの基本的価値を共有し、自由かつ活発な市場経済国として共に発展し、また、海上交通路の安全確保など共通の戦略的利益を有していることを改めて確認した。両首脳は、1956年の外交関係正常化以来、半世紀以上にわたり育んできた友好協力関係の基礎の上に、二国間関係を強化することにとどまらず、アジア太平洋地域における共通理念と原則の共有及びあり得べきルールの策定に資する、既存の地域協力の枠組みから構成された開放的かつ多層的なネットワークの育成に向け協力していくことで一致し、両国政府が二国間関係を「戦略的パートナーシップ」へと高めてきたことを確認した。

3. The two leaders reconfirmed that the two countries share such basic values as freedom, democracy, fundamental human rights and the rule of law, they have developed together as free and dynamic market economies, and they have such common strategic interests as ensuring the safety of sea lines of communication.  The two leaders also shared the view that, based on the friendly and cooperative relationship that has been fostered for more than half a century since the normalization of diplomatic relations in 1956, the two countries will cooperate not only for strengthening the bilateral relations but also for fostering the open and multi-layered network, which serves for sharing common vision and principles, as well as the possible establishment of rules in the Asia Pacific region, composed of existing frameworks of regional cooperation. The two leaders confirmed that both governments have elevated their bilateral relations to a "Strategic Partnership."



(Peace in Mindanao)

The two leaders reaffirmed the importance of peace in Mindanao for regional security and stability. President Aquino underscored his Administration's commitment to securing peace in Mindanao, and expressed his gratitude to the Government of Japan for its continued contribution to the Mindanao peace process. In this regard, the President thanked Japan for its assistance in facilitating his meeting with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) leadership in Japan on 4 August 2011, which pushed the peace process forward. In response, Prime Minister Noda stated that the Government of Japan will continue to send development experts to the International Monitoring Team (IMT), to implement J-BIRD projects, to contribute through the International Contact Group (ICG), and to conduct the Mindanao Young Leaders Invitational Program, among others. He also stated that, with regard to J-BIRD projects, Japan will adopt two technical cooperation projects, "Rice-based Farming Technology Extension Project for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)" and "Capacity-Building in Support of the Community Development for Conflict-Affected Areas in Mindanao", which were requested by the Republic of the Philippines. President Aquino expressed his appreciation.


◆(海洋分野における協力) 両首脳は、日本国及びフィリピン共和国が海上交通路を共有する海洋国家であり、海洋分野における二国間協力を強化することの必要性を改めて確認した。両首脳は、ソマリア沖における海賊が海上の安全保障及び海洋航行の安全に対する重大な脅威であるとの認識を共有した。アキノ大統領は、ソマリア沖を定期運航している船に乗船しているフィリピン人船員にも裨益するとして、ソマリア沖に派遣された日本国の自衛隊及び同乗の海上保安官による護衛活動に謝意を表明した。また、両首脳は、アジアの海賊対策においてアジア海賊対策地域協力協定(ReCAAP)が果たしてきた重要な役割を歓迎した。 両首脳は、2011年9月9日に開催された第1回日・フィリピン海洋協議を歓迎し、相互の同意に基づいたフィリピン沿岸警備隊(PCG)の訓練を目的とした日本国海上保安庁巡視船のフィリピン共和国への派遣やフィリピン沿岸警備隊の能力向上支援などを通じて両国の海上保安機関間の協力及び連携を強化していくことで一致した。また、両首脳は、日本国海上幕僚長及びフィリピン共和国海軍司令官の相互訪問の実施、海上自衛隊艦隊のフィリピン共和国への寄港、日本国海上自衛隊・フィリピン共和国海軍幕僚協議の実施など、両国の防衛当局間の交流及び協力を推進していくことで一致した。

(Cooperation in the field of maritime affairs)

The two leaders reaffirmed the necessity of strengthening bilateral cooperation in the field of maritime affairs between Japan and the Republic of the Philippines, being two maritime countries sharing sea lines of communication.  They shared the recognition that piracy off the coast of Somalia is a serious threat to maritime security and the safety of maritime navigation.  President Aquino expressed his gratitude for the escort operations by the Japan Self Defense Forces with Japan Coast Guard officers aboard, off the coast of Somalia, which benefit Filipino seafarers on board ships plying the area.  The two leaders also welcomed the important role that the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) has played in combating piracy in Asia.

The two leaders welcomed the first Japan-Philippines Dialogue on Maritime and Oceanic Affairs held on 9 September 2011, and decided to enhance the cooperation and coordination between their maritime safety authorities through such measures as the dispatch of patrol vessels of the Japan Coast Guard to the Republic of the Philippines for trainings for the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) based on mutual consent and the support for the capacity building of the PCG.  They also decided to promote exchanges and cooperation between their defense authorities, such as reciprocal visits between the Chief of Staff of Japanese Maritime Self Defense Forces (JMSDF) and the Flag Officer of the Philippine Navy, port calls in the Republic of the Philippines by JMSDF vessels, and the holding of the Japan-Philippines Maritime Chief of Staff Meeting.



 アキノ大統領は、紛争の対処及び解決並びに協力の促進のためのルールに基づく体制の必要性を強調するとともに、「南シナ海における関係国の行動宣言(DOC)」及び南シナ海をめぐる海事紛争の平和的解決に対するコミットメントを確認した。両首脳は、DOCの履行のためのガイドラインが採択されたことを歓迎し、確立された国際法規に合致する形で法的拘束力のある行動規範(COC)が早期に策定されることに希望を表明した。 両首脳は、世界とアジア太平洋とを結ぶ南シナ海は極めて重要であり、この海域における平和及び安定は国際社会の共通の関心事項であることを確認した。また、両首脳は、海上交通路を共有する国家の指導者として、航行の自由、円滑な商業活動並びに国連海洋法条約及び紛争の平和的解決を始めとする確立された国際法規の遵守が両国及び地域全体の利益にかなうことを確認するとともに、これらの同じ利益が南シナ海においても促進され、守られるべきであるとの認識を共有した。

(Maritime security)

President Aquino affirmed the Philippines' commitment to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and to the peaceful resolution of maritime disputes over the South China Sea, while stressing the need for a rules-based regime for addressing and resolving disputes and promoting cooperation.  The two leaders welcomed the adoption of the Guidelines for the Implementation of the DOC and expressed their hope for the early formulation of a legally-binding Code of Conduct (COC) that is consistent with established international law.

The two leaders confirmed that the South China Sea is vital, as it connects the world and the Asia Pacific region, and that peace and stability therein is of common interest to the international community.  As leaders of countries sharing sea lines of communication, they also confirmed that freedom of navigation, unimpeded commerce, and compliance with established international law including the UNCLOS and the peaceful settlement of disputes serve the interests of the two countries and the whole region.  They shared the recognition that these same interests should also be advanced and protected in the South China Sea.




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