更新於 2023/05/26閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

【英文謬誤】- on TV, in the TV, on the TV

看到誰/節目在電視上,要用on,如果用in the TV,就會變成是在TV裏面! 如果on TV 變成 on the TV 意思又不一樣了,加了the,TV就純粹變成一個裝置,「電視機上」而不是表示抽象的「電視(節目)上」。 1. My children love to watch animal channels on TV. 2. I saw a good piece of news on TV. 3. Press the on button on the TV, please. 這裡就變成「電視機上」的意思了。
on the bed Vs. in the bed
這兩個的差別在in the bed是已經蓋好被子,準備要睡了的狀態;如果你只是坐在床上,那就直接用on the bed
1. We’re just chilling on the bed. 2. I’m watching a film on the laptop in my bed.
除了這些之外,on and in 還有以下幾個容易搞混的例子:
1. 騎腳踏車因為是騎在上面,算是在腳踏車上,要用on
Incorrect: He rides in a cycle. (X)
Correct: He rides on a cycle. (O)
2. 開著車,因為你不可能坐在車頂開車,而是在車子裡面開,要用in
Incorrect: He rides on a car. (X) Correct: He rides in a car. (O)
3. 坐在樹上,因為是在交錯的樹枝中間,所以要in。除非是樹自己長出來的果實用on (apple on the tree)。若真的要用on,也要講sitting on the branch(坐在樹枝上) Incorrect: He sat on a tree. (X) Correct: He sat in a tree. (O)
4. 報紙上、字裡行間都是用in,如果是什麼東西壓在報紙上,才會用on
Incorrect: My picture is on the newspaper. (X)
Correct: My picture is in the newspaper. (O)
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