2023-05-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘


      英文字典裡沒有Everglow這個單字,正確應該是分開寫的ever glow,ever是副詞(表示any time),修飾動詞glow。所以字面上的意思就是不斷的成長,中文意譯成燦爛永恆相當的適切。ColdPlay的主唱Chris Martin 接受訪問的時候說到這個字詞的由來,是因為有一天他去潛水,同行的友人對他說: 前幾天我在海裡潛水,所得到的感動,一直持續至今,且仍不斷成長。Chris Martin explained, "I was in the ocean one day with this surfer guy. He was like, 'Yo dude, I was doing this thing the other day, man. It gave me this total everglow!' I was like, 'What an amazing word!'"於是Chris Martin就自創了這個詞,成為了歌曲的名稱。
    They say people come
    Say people go
    This particular diamond was extra special
    And though you might be gone
    And the world may not know
    Still I see you, celestial
      專訪裡Chris Martin進一步解釋,這一首歌是要表達逝去的事物,仍舊在我們心中永恆燦爛。不管是一個東西,一個人,或一段感情,即使已經結束或消失,但這對我們帶來的影響,我們對此的思念,卻從來沒有結束。其中Chris Martin的前妻,鋼鐵人的小辣椒還貢獻了兩句歌詞,How come things move on? How come cars don't slow?,於是Chris Martin力邀前妻來唱這兩句歌詞,不過最後只有和聲,沒有聽到她的聲音(Gwyneth Paltrow唱歌非常非常的好聽噢),所以也有人說這首歌是他們的和解之作。
    Like a lion you ran
    A goddess you rolled
    Like an eagle you circle
    In perfect purple
    So how come things move on?
    How come cars don't slow?
    When it feels like the end of my world
    When I should, but I can't, let you go?
      曾經是那麼完美的一對伴侶哪,因為我從很小就超喜歡ColdPlay,Chris Martin在音樂界或許有小有名氣,但還是比不上當時已經是全球巨星的Gwyneth Paltrow。所以我當時後還想,哇,音樂詩人遇到了好萊塢小公主,好像不太妙的樣子,但我相信Chris Martin不是一個無腦的傢伙,不會娶不適合自己的太太,果然婚後很幸福的渡過了十年,Gwyneth Paltrow後來歌唱得這麼好,是因為每天在家都接受馬汀老師的指導嗎? 很有趣。
    So if you love someone
    You should let them know
    Oh, the light that you left me will everglow
    When I'm cold, cold
    When I'm cold, cold
    There's a light that you give me
    When I'm in shadow
    There's a feeling you give me, an everglow
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