更新於 2023/05/17閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

追究個人責任才能止戰 The Responsibility of Politicos Who Launch War

    【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯 On May 16, the fourth Council of Europe Summit of Heads of State and Government stated that Russia must be held accountable through the adoption of a register of damage to pave the way for a future compensation mechanism, and action must be taken to address the "outrageous abduction of Ukrainian children." Although traditional international law isolates the responsibility of states and individual persons, we have learned from the lessons of two world wars and others that it is the individuals who hold the power within states and launch wars. There is no reason to exclude the responsibility of individuals for their war crimes and violations of international humanitarian laws. The international community must strip these individuals who initiate wars of their privileges and place them in jail or impose the death sentence.
    處理人權等問題的國際組織歐洲委員會16日在冰島舉行的峰會上宣布,將追究俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的責任。會議宣布了建立「損害登記」機制,以記錄俄羅斯侵略造成的損害、損失和傷害的證據。 雖然傳統國際法將個人與國家的責任分開,但經過兩次大戰與其他戰爭,國際社會越來越清楚,發動戰爭的多半是掌握權力的個人,以國家名義發動。因此,為阻止戰爭發生,國際社會有必要追究發動戰爭並在戰爭過程中違反戰爭法規定的個人的責任特別是課以刑事責任與剝奪財產
    欧州、ウクライナ侵攻でロシアの責任追及へ 損害登録制度発表 Reuters 20230517
    [レイキャビク(アイスランド) 16日 ロイター] - 人権などの問題に取り組む国際機関、欧州評議会は16日、アイスランドで開いた首脳会議で、ロシアにウクライナ侵攻の責任を問う方針を表明し、ロシア軍が与えた損失と損害を記録する枠組みを発表した
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