蘋果在中國致富。其他亞洲市場提供下一個「黃金機會」。| CNN商業

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Apple got rich in China. Other Asian markets offer the next 'golden opportunity' | CNN Business
蘋果在中國致富。其他亞洲市場提供下一個「黃金機會」。| CNN商業
Apple opening its first retail stores in India
Hong KongCNN  —  香港CNN —
Apple launched an online store in Vietnam this week, in another nod to the growing importance of emerging markets for the iPhone maker.
蘋果本週在越南推出了一家線上商店,這是對於新興市場對於 iPhone 製造商日益重要的又一個肯定。
The opening on Thursday, which followed the high-profile launch of its first physical shops in India, means consumers in the fast-growing Southeast Asian economy will be able to buy any Apple product directly for the first time.
Markets like Vietnam, India and Indonesia are becoming more important for Apple as its growth in developed markets, including China, slows down, prompting the company to focus on places where it’s traditionally been less active.
For decades, China was central to Apple’s extraordinary ascent to become the most valuable company on Earth, serving as a backbone for both its production and consumption. While the country remains key to Apple’s operations, the tech giant is now hedging its bets.
Apple (AAPL) CEO Tim Cook has pointed to the company’s prospects in emerging economies, calling them bright spots in the company’s financial results. On an earnings call this month, Cook said he was “particularly pleased” with the performance in these markets during the first three months of the year.
Apple “achieved all-time records in Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UAE, as well as a number of March quarter records, including in Brazil, Malaysia and India,” he told analysts.
That came as the California-based giant also reported its second straight drop in overall quarterly revenue, prompting concerns about a broader slowdown in demand amid economic uncertainty.
“Clearly, growth has slowed globally and thus put more pressure [on Apple] to aggressively go after emerging markets,” said Daniel Ives, managing director of Wedbush Securities.
「顯然地,全球增長已經放緩,因此更加施加了(對蘋果公司)積極開拓新興市場的壓力。」Wedbush Securities的董事總經理丹尼爾·艾夫斯(Daniel Ives)表示。
Ives predicts that “over the coming years, Indonesia, Malaysia and India will comprise a bigger piece of the pie for Apple, given its efforts in these countries.”
The start of online sales in a country usually precedes the launch of brick-and-mortar stores for Apple, he told CNN. This was true of India, for instance, which got its first physical outlets last month and a pledge from Cook to further invest in the country.
Thursday’s launch showed how Apple was “further cementing” its presence in emerging markets, according to Chiew Le Xuan, a research analyst who covers smartphones in Southeast Asia for Canalys.
根據Canalys為東南亞智慧手機提供報導的研究分析師Chiew Le Xuan所說,週四的發布顯示蘋果正在「進一步鞏固」其在新興市場的存在。
He said the tech giant had been “actively increasing” its presence in the region in recent months, ramping up its distribution and network of authorized resellers, especially in Malaysia.
Apple has ample room to run in these markets.
Currently, the company only operates its own stores in more developed regional economies, such as Thailand and Singapore, according to Canalys.
Even Indonesia, a vast archipelago that is the world’s sixth-biggest smartphone market, doesn’t have a physical Apple store yet, said Chiew. Apple’s market share there is tiny, at just 1% in 2022, according to Canalys data.
即使是印度尼西亞,這個世界第六大智慧型手機市場的廣大群島,也還沒有蘋果公司的實體店,Chiew 說。根據 Canalys 的數據,蘋果在印度尼西亞的市場份額很小,僅為 2022 年的 1%。
“We’re putting efforts in a number of these markets and really see, particularly given our low share and the dynamics of the demographics … a great opportunity for us,” Cook said during Apple’s results call.
Apple joins a growing list of global businesses that have become bullish on Southeast Asia, where more investment is being poured into manufacturing.
The region’s consumer base also holds promise, with the number of middle-income and affluent households in economies such as Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines projected to grow by around 5% annually through 2030, according to the Boston Consulting Group.
The consultancy has called this group of consumers “the next mega-market.”
The allure of Southeast Asia’s rising middle class “has changed the dynamic in these countries, which previously Apple stayed away from,” according to Ives.
“This is a golden opportunity for Apple,” he said.
For years, premium brands like Apple have have struggled to compete in emerging markets because of the price of their products, choosing instead to rely on local resellers.
iPhones, which cost between $470 and $1,100, are expensive for consumers in less developed Southeast Asian economies, where the bulk of smartphone shipments are priced under $200, according to Chiew.
He said Apple’s absence from places like Cambodia or Vietnam was typically more apparent around the launch of a new iPhone, as buyers from those countries often flew to Singapore or Malaysia to purchase devices and take them back for resale.
他說蘋果公司在柬埔寨或越南等地缺席,通常在新 iPhone 推出時更加明顯,因為這些國家的買家經常飛往新加坡或馬來西亞購買設備並帶回轉售。
This could change in the coming years, particularly as Apple continues to increase its firepower in the region.
Ives predicted that Apple could “further expand its ecosystem and tentacles to emerging markets using its China playbook,” meaning it could try to hook customers through “various pricing strategies and building out from there.”
Once those users have converted to Apple’s operating system, iOS, they tend to stick around and become loyal customers, he added.
This has “been the core part of its success in China that now can be replicated in India, Indonesia, and Vietnam, among others,” said Ives.
But Apple may face hurdles in Southeast Asia, where several countries have placed stringent requirements on foreign businesses, according to Chiew.
For example, at least 35% of the components of electronic goods sold in Indonesia must made locally, a threshold Apple has had to meet by working with partners, he added. Similar rules prevented Apple from setting up shop in India for years until the relaxation of regulations in 2019.
And while consumers are becoming more affluent, the company’s price points are still considered high in many emerging markets, noted Ives. “Growth will be choppy we believe.”
新聞來源: CNN (#國際新聞)

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Hi 我是 VK~ 上月剛好是 Apple WWDC 大會,加上近來有許多 Apple 下任執行長接班人傳言的人選。這也是個蠻好的時機來回顧現任執行長庫克(Tim Cook)他接任蘋果執行長後有哪些創新成功與失敗的地方。 這期主要會聚焦在: 不是「產品人」出身的庫克,為什麼讓賈伯斯親自招募他加
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智慧型手機龍頭蘋果 Apple,於月初正式發布了其 2023 第四季的財報 (蘋果公司內部財務年度為 2024 第一季)。雖然營收與獲利都打敗了分析師的預期,但由於中國市場表現不佳,並且也給出了一個較保守的第一季預期,所以導致於公布財報之後出現了股價下跌的狀況......