【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Former US President Trump, once again, says something beyond our imagination. He stated that he will not clearly state whether the US will protect Taiwan or not. That is fine; the policy of “Creative Ambiguity” was an outdated approach by the US towards China, aimed at interfering with Beijing's calculations and strategies regarding the invasion of Taiwan, which deter the potential of war on Taiwan Strait.
However, following the slogan "Make America Great Again," Trump vows to prevent Taiwan from taking away American jobs in the IC industry.
Well, this time Lord Trump has made a big mistake.
While the fundamental IC technologies originate from the US, a significant number of patents related to IC processing and manufacturing are invented by TSMC and other syndicates here in Taiwan, as well as in other countries.
Furthermore, the supply chain of foundries and Fabless companies in the IC industry originated in Taiwan, with companies like UMC and TSMC leading the way. No Taiwanese foundry companies that serve all the Aabless IC corporations have moved away from the US, meaning that no American jobs have been stolen.
On the contrary, TSMC and its partners have responded to US policies by establishing high-end IC production in Arizona, even though it is more costly.
Taiwan is a critical issue for US national security, Protecting Taiwan is a “treaty obligation” of the US, which far beyond what Trump can comprehend.
He is a real estate businessman accustomed to a stimulus-response pattern. Thinking things complicated, deep and broad may be brand new challenging for Trump.
川普:台灣奪走美國半導體業工作 我們早該阻止他們 ETtoady 20230718
接受美媒《福斯新聞》(Fox News)專訪時,被問及若必須因此要和中國發生軍事衝突的話,美國是否應該保護台灣。對此,川普回答若他是總統就不會這麼說,因為他不想讓別人知道他在想什麼,「如果說出要防衛台灣,那樣會讓我處在談判的劣勢。」
川普此番言論在美國輿論界也引起討論。事實上川普任內即主打「美國製造」(Made in America),意即讓美國製造業勞工就業機會重新活絡起來,不過作法卻惹來許多爭議,包括發起美中貿易戰等,對全球經濟造成莫大影響,而川普的支持者中,有許多屬於基層的勞工。