20230711 德國的新對中戰略

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【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The remark describes the drive of Germany's new strategy on China: "China has changed, and so our China policy must change too." The same applies to the so-called "consensus of 1992," which was an agree-to-disagree description made 31 years ago between Taiwan and China regarding the definition of China. Now, "China has changed, and the so-called 'consensus of 1992' must change too."
The new German strategy is pragmatic, neither assertive nor naive. It views China as a combination of a partner, competitor, and systemic rival to Germany.
Scholz's strategy reflects the naive or opportunistic nature of Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, and Charles Michel, the Belgian-born President of the European Council, both of whom neglect Beijing's assertive expansionism.


The text of the Federal Government Strategy on China can be accessed:
English translation or German version

Germany presents long-awaited strategy on China, stresses economic security    AP 20230713

The German government on Thursday presented a long-awaited strategy for relations with China that points to a “systemic rivalry” with the Asian power and a need to reduce risks of economic dependency, but highlights Berlin’s desire to work with Beijing on challenges such as climate change and maintain trade ties.

The 64-page document approved by Chancellor OIaf Scholz’s Cabinet builds on Germany’s first national security strategy, issued a month ago. Scholz’s three-party coalition had pledged when it took office in late 2021 to draw up a “comprehensive China strategy.”

Germany has Europe’s biggest economy and is the 27-nation European Union’s most populous member. Its strategy is a balancing act; it is keen to maintain good ties with China, its biggest single trading partner in recent years, despite wariness over Beijing’s growing assertiveness and refusal to criticize the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that “for Germany, China remains a partner, competitor and systemic rival, but the aspect of systemic rivalry has in recent years increasingly come to the fore.

“Anyone who listens to China knows with what self-confidence it will decisively influence the development of our world — more repressive at home and more offensive abroad,” Baerbock said. “China has changed and so our China policy must change too.

In its strategy, the government said it is committed to ensuring that economic cooperation with China “becomes fairer, more sustainable and more reciprocal.” It noted that “whereas China’s dependencies on Europe are constantly declining, Germany’s dependencies on China have taken on greater significance in recent years.”

“It is not our intention to impede China’s economic progress and development,” it said. “At the same time, de-risking is urgently needed. However, we are not pursuing a decoupling of our economies.” The message echoes that delivered in May by the Group of Seven leading industrial powers, including Germany.

The government said it expects companies “to keep a close eye on relevant China-related developments, data and risks.” It added that “we will hold confidential discussions with companies that are particularly exposed to China regarding their China-related risk analyses with a view to identifying concentration risks in good time.”

Baerbock said that Germany must focus more strongly on its economic security. “Companies that make themselves dependent to a large extent on the Chinese market will in the future have to carry the financial risk more heavily themselves,” she said.

Germany is keen not to repeat mistakes it made before the invasion of Ukraine with Russia, on which it used to depend for more than half of its natural gas supplies. Berlin raced last year to end that dependency, while Russia eventually shut off supplies.

“We simply can’t afford to do a second time what we had to do as a result of the Russian war of aggression, namely spending over 200 billion euros ($222 billion) across the whole of society to free ourselves from a dependency,” Baerbock said.

The new strategy made clear that Germany won’t be deterred from doing business with self-governed Taiwan, which Beijing considers a breakaway province. “Germany has close and good relations with Taiwan in many areas and wants to expand them,” it said.

“The status quo of the Taiwan Strait may only be changed by peaceful means and mutual consent,” it said. “Military escalation would also affect German and European interests.

It also said that “we take decisive action to counter all analog and digital espionage and sabotage activities by Chinese intelligence services and state-controlled groups, whether these activities be in or directed against Germany.”

The strategy was released a few weeks after Scholz and about half of his Cabinet hosted a delegation led by new Chinese Premier Li Qiang, whose visit to Berlin was his first foreign trip since becoming China’s No. 2 official in March.

At that meeting, Scholz pressed China to lean harder on Russia over its war in Ukraine, while the two countries pledged to work together to combat climate change as two of the world’s biggest carbon dioxide emitters.

“It will not be possible to overcome the climate crisis without China,” the government’s strategy said. “Its actions are decisive for the preservation of biological diversity and the environment.”



Macron seems to have the same tone as Beijing, or put another words that Beijing is echoing Macron’s stance on July 7, in the moment of NATO vows unit
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Biden is quite interesting; he is all about politics from head to toe.
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Macron seems to have the same tone as Beijing, or put another words that Beijing is echoing Macron’s stance on July 7, in the moment of NATO vows unit
Can you believe that, just five days after the Wagner’s munity collapsed, “Russian President Vladimir Putin met mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin aft
On July 12, a B-52 Stratofortress landed at Yokota AFB, Japan, at 10:22 a.m. The last time a B-52 had landed at Yokota was in 1989 during the Japanese
Biden is quite interesting; he is all about politics from head to toe.
Now I understand: there is no need for futile treatment or ineffective care, allowing our mother nature to take over may be the kindest approach for t
The concept of "The Sum of All Fears," which is also the title of a movie, captures our greatest concerns when a nuclear power collapses or dissolves.
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2024/7/4 一般人多以為中共外交只是左派意識形態的口號,脫離國際社會的現實,沒外交效果。這種看法的缺陷,是預設中國外交的聽眾都是獲益於個人主義市場經濟的已開發國家。其實鄧小平在冷戰後期提出的「南南合作」,一直指導著中國外交「發展中國家是基礎」原則,是北京宣言以「全球南方」為和平共處原則的指引。
中國經濟現狀,消費內需疲弱,只想依靠產能過剩「新三樣」外需支撐! 中國產能過剩傾銷,歐美祭出關稅壁壘!WTO總幹事警告全球面臨崩潰! 中國產能過剩傾銷全球造成「中國衝擊2.0」,貿易關稅戰終將不可避免! 馬克‧吐溫(Mark Twain):歷史不會重演,但像文章的押韻一樣,類似的事件還是會再度發生!
2024/7/1 華府西方聯盟與印太楔子策略有其成效,使北京的重點更多轉向自主與自強,同時向「全球南方」拓展盟友;雙方雖激烈競爭,但聯盟與固樁拔樁之爭漫長,尚不致使衝突陡升。川普陣營則顯然偏向聯盟無用論,偏好更粗獷的自強與弱敵。未來如果美、中雙方都全然以自強—弱敵為尚,世界大戰的風險就更大了。
不是只有中國會喊逢中必反,日本當年經濟超強,強到對美國有威脅時,日本本國一樣有類似的口號,台灣其實也有過,只是沒那麼激烈。 為何?
G7財政部長會後聲明:G7關注中國全面採用的非市場政策和行為,損害成員國工人、產業及經濟韌性。G7將繼續監察相關潛在負面影響,並將考慮採取措施,確保實現符合WTO原則的公平競爭環境。 美國財長呼籲:G7應建立明確的統一戰線以對抗中國產能過剩!法國財長警告:要避免貿易戰!看來,美中貿易戰是不可避免的!
韓中自由貿易協定2015年生效後,因在半導體關鍵原物料方面高度依賴中國等因素,2022年起韓國對中貿易盈餘猛降,去年更出現175億美元貿易赤字,是1992年與中國建交以來首見,且這個趨勢恐將持續下去。 韓中簽署FTA,從糖衣變成毒藥。誠令人不勝唏噓!台灣簽署「貿易協議」前,一定要審慎評估、謹慎考量!
2024/5/9 歐盟歷來自詡為「規範性強權」,重視能把歐洲的「規範」與「原則」向世界傳佈。但從暖化危機、疫情到上述兩場戰爭以降,這樣的信用遭到「雙重標準」的質疑。許多發展中國家可以辯稱:「共享價值不等於共享優先事項。」西方集團有自己利益的優先事項,南方國家何嘗不能依據本國利益,自己決定優先事項?
2021/3/1 五眼聯盟可能對川普的《架構》早有所悉。莫理森採取與日、韓、東協「避險」不同的制衡策略,在聯盟中率先斷鏈脫勾,可能就是一種「試行、示範」。臺灣冷靜體認,澳洲對華政策仍必須取決於中美關係,而且短期內沒有找到取代中國買家的可能。中澳不僅有自貿協定,也有RCEP斡旋,未必以決裂相始終。
中國越來越回到國家計劃!港大學者:已倒退回「朱元璋時代」 乾脆關掉A股! 謝金河曝中國經濟慘況:2027年才看得到復甦苗頭!川普當選恐雪上加霜! 呂宗耀:現在正好是AI剛起步的時代,AI製造鏈讓美國連動日本韓國及台灣,當美國在這一波的產業創新取得興盛,台灣與日本絕不會敗。 台灣AI繁榮可期至少十年!
2024/7/4 一般人多以為中共外交只是左派意識形態的口號,脫離國際社會的現實,沒外交效果。這種看法的缺陷,是預設中國外交的聽眾都是獲益於個人主義市場經濟的已開發國家。其實鄧小平在冷戰後期提出的「南南合作」,一直指導著中國外交「發展中國家是基礎」原則,是北京宣言以「全球南方」為和平共處原則的指引。
中國經濟現狀,消費內需疲弱,只想依靠產能過剩「新三樣」外需支撐! 中國產能過剩傾銷,歐美祭出關稅壁壘!WTO總幹事警告全球面臨崩潰! 中國產能過剩傾銷全球造成「中國衝擊2.0」,貿易關稅戰終將不可避免! 馬克‧吐溫(Mark Twain):歷史不會重演,但像文章的押韻一樣,類似的事件還是會再度發生!
2024/7/1 華府西方聯盟與印太楔子策略有其成效,使北京的重點更多轉向自主與自強,同時向「全球南方」拓展盟友;雙方雖激烈競爭,但聯盟與固樁拔樁之爭漫長,尚不致使衝突陡升。川普陣營則顯然偏向聯盟無用論,偏好更粗獷的自強與弱敵。未來如果美、中雙方都全然以自強—弱敵為尚,世界大戰的風險就更大了。
不是只有中國會喊逢中必反,日本當年經濟超強,強到對美國有威脅時,日本本國一樣有類似的口號,台灣其實也有過,只是沒那麼激烈。 為何?
G7財政部長會後聲明:G7關注中國全面採用的非市場政策和行為,損害成員國工人、產業及經濟韌性。G7將繼續監察相關潛在負面影響,並將考慮採取措施,確保實現符合WTO原則的公平競爭環境。 美國財長呼籲:G7應建立明確的統一戰線以對抗中國產能過剩!法國財長警告:要避免貿易戰!看來,美中貿易戰是不可避免的!
韓中自由貿易協定2015年生效後,因在半導體關鍵原物料方面高度依賴中國等因素,2022年起韓國對中貿易盈餘猛降,去年更出現175億美元貿易赤字,是1992年與中國建交以來首見,且這個趨勢恐將持續下去。 韓中簽署FTA,從糖衣變成毒藥。誠令人不勝唏噓!台灣簽署「貿易協議」前,一定要審慎評估、謹慎考量!
2024/5/9 歐盟歷來自詡為「規範性強權」,重視能把歐洲的「規範」與「原則」向世界傳佈。但從暖化危機、疫情到上述兩場戰爭以降,這樣的信用遭到「雙重標準」的質疑。許多發展中國家可以辯稱:「共享價值不等於共享優先事項。」西方集團有自己利益的優先事項,南方國家何嘗不能依據本國利益,自己決定優先事項?
2021/3/1 五眼聯盟可能對川普的《架構》早有所悉。莫理森採取與日、韓、東協「避險」不同的制衡策略,在聯盟中率先斷鏈脫勾,可能就是一種「試行、示範」。臺灣冷靜體認,澳洲對華政策仍必須取決於中美關係,而且短期內沒有找到取代中國買家的可能。中澳不僅有自貿協定,也有RCEP斡旋,未必以決裂相始終。