2023-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘



    1. Barking Up the Wrong Tree(對錯樹吠)
      • 解釋: 意指試圖通過錯誤的方法或對象來達成目標。
      • 例句: "If you think I'm the one who took your keys, you're barking up the wrong tree. I haven't seen them."
    2. Every Dog Has His Day(每條狗都有它的日子)
      • 解釋: 意指每個人都有成功或幸運的時刻。
      • 例句: "Don't underestimate him. Even though he's been struggling, every dog has his day."
    3. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie(別吵醒睡狗)
      • 解釋: 建議不要觸動或干涉一個已經平靜或穩定的情況,以免引發問題。
      • 例句: "I know about his mistake, but let's just let sleeping dogs lie for now. Bringing it up again won't help."
    4. The Dog's Bollocks(狗的蛋蛋)
      • 解釋: 表示某事物非常出色或優秀。
      • 例句: "This new sports car is the dog's bollocks. It's incredibly fast and stylish."
    5. Dog Eat Dog(狗吃狗)
      • 解釋: 描述競爭激烈,沒有容情的環境。
      • 例句: "The business world can be dog eat dog, so you need to be prepared for tough competition."
    6. In the Doghouse(在狗屋裡)
      • 解釋: 意指某人因犯了錯誤而被處罰或不受歡迎。
      • 例句: "I forgot our anniversary, and now I'm in the doghouse with my wife."
    7. Top Dog(頭號狗)
      • 解釋: 指的是某人或某物在特定領域或情境中的領袖或最重要的人或事物。
      • 例句: "He's the top dog in the tech industry, with several successful startups under his belt."
    8. Sick as a Dog(生病得像條狗)
      • 解釋: 形容某人非常生病或身體狀況極差。
      • 例句: "After eating that spoiled food, I felt as sick as a dog for days."
    9. Work like a Dog(像條狗一樣工作)
      • 解釋: 指的是非常辛勤工作或努力工作。
      • 例句: "I've been working like a dog to meet the deadline for this project."
    10. Dog and Pony Show(狗和小馬表演)
      • 解釋: 形容一個虛假或表面的表演,通常用於形容宣傳或展示。
      • 例句: "The product launch was just a dog and pony show. The real features were disappointing."

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