2024-01-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 31 分鐘

<SG Life> 新加坡食物之旅 Singapore Food


Recommend some Singapore restaurants here

娘惹餐廳:True Blue Cuisine: 沒有吃過娘惹菜沒有吃過娘惹菜的朋友推薦來吃吃看喔。

Nyonya Restaurant: True Blue Cuisine: Recommended by friends who have never eaten Nyonya food.

娘惹博物館:Peranakan Museum: 吃完以後可以到隔壁的娘惹博物館逛逛歷史故事。

Peranakan Museum: After eating, you can go to the Peranakan Museum next door to browse historical stories.

Tekka Centre: 竹腳中心:位在小印度的熟食中心,大部分的食物都是印度食物,我也是第一次到這個地方,我覺得餅真的好吃!!mango lessi, 甘蔗汁也很好喝-因為很濃郁,有些熟食中心的水就沒有這麼濃郁的味道。如果想吃異國風味料理可以來這邊尋寶。

Tekka Centre: Tekka Centre: A cooked food center located in Little India. Most of the food is Indian food. This is my first time to this place. I think the pancakes are really delicious! ! Mango lessi, sugar cane juice is also delicious - because it is very rich, the water in some deli centers does not have such a rich taste. If you want to eat exotic food, you can come here for treasure hunting.

按摩店:如果到了新加坡累了想要按摩真的推薦 Natureland Singapore, 我也是第一次去,為什麼我覺得很好有幾個原因:

-- 他可以用whatsapp預約,就不用一直一家一家的打電話


-- 他的腳底按摩我覺得師傅按得很好有按到穴位,以及我請他不要按的地方他不會亂按



Massage: If you are tired in Singapore and want a massage, I highly recommend Natureland Singapore. It is also my first time to go there. There are several reasons why I think it is good:

-- They can make an appointment using WhatsApp, so he doesn't have to keep calling each house.

--They will try to keep a group of people in the same room without being disturbed by others

-- During his foot massage, I think the master did a good job of touching the acupuncture points, and he didn't touch the places I asked him not to touch randomly.

--The chefs are very polite and won't chat over there about whether they have something or not.

--The key point is that for his shoulder and neck massage, you actually need to sit on a chair like the one we used for blind massages. It really made every part of the body feel sore, but it also cured the soreness in my arms that may have been caused by my incorrect swimming posture.

Raffles Hotel-Long Bar: 這家是Singapore Sling 的發源地。可以把花生殼丟在地上的酒吧, 換桌率很快但是還是推薦想要來的朋友要早點來排隊。

Raffles Hotel-Long Bar: This hotel is the birthplace of Singapore Sling. It's a bar where you can throw peanut shells on the floor. The table change rate is very fast, but I still recommend that friends who want to come come early and queue up.

Peach Garden :本來是要到Orchard 那家聽說有點心推車,可惜都訂不到位置只好去了OCBC Centre 這邊。這邊的菜單選擇就比較少,但是也很好吃。最推薦應該是蛋塔因為現烤超熱超好吃。楊枝甘露也是第一名。

Peach Garden: I originally wanted to go to the Orchard store, which I heard had a snack cart, but unfortunately I couldn’t get a reservation and had to go to the OCBC Center. The menu choices here are relatively small, but they are also delicious. The most recommended one is the egg tart because it is freshly baked and super hot and delicious. Yangzhi Manna also ranked first.

Celavi: 位在金沙酒店57樓的餐廳,真的要坐在靠外面的位置可以看到超美麗的夜景,但是他餐廳有限時,一個時段是兩個小時。上菜速度很快,可能因為限時的關係。但是我覺得餐點很好吃,麵包好吃,搭配的奶油好吃,北海道干貝好吃,豬排好吃,牛排好吃,燉飯好吃。總之都很好吃!!!再配上夜景就是第一名

Celavi: The restaurant is located on the 57th floor of the Sands Hotel. You really have to sit outside to see the super beautiful night view, but the restaurant has limited hours, and one time period is two hours. The food was served very quickly, probably because of the time limit. But I think the meal is delicious, the bread is delicious, the butter that goes with it is delicious, the Hokkaido scallops are delicious, the pork chops are delicious, the steak is delicious, and the stewed rice is delicious. All in all delicious! ! ! Coupled with the night view, it ranks first


I hope it can be a reference for everyone.


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