更新於 2025/01/11閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

<SG Life> Papi's Taco and Birds of Paradise Ice Cream

    超級推薦大家有來新加坡旅遊一定要到Joo Chiat這個地方逛逛,不只充滿文青小店還有很多美食。今天就先來吃一下我最愛的Taco and Ice cream.

    I highly recommend everyone to visit Joo Chiat when traveling to Singapore. It is not only full of young people’s shops but also has a lot of delicious food. Let’s eat my favorite Taco and Ice cream today.

    Papi's Taco: 我選擇了豬肉口味。我覺得肉烤得很美味,餅皮也很好吃,再加上一點檸檬風味更棒。

    I chose the pork flavor. I thought the meat was grilled beautifully and the crust was delicious, and it was even better with a little lemon flavor.

    Birds of Paradise Ice Cream:這間冰淇淋店的口味都很特別,而且吃起來不會很甜和膩,餅皮也是現做的喔,非常值得推薦。


    The flavors at this ice cream shop are very unique, and they don't taste too sweet or heavy. The waffle cones are also freshly made, which is highly recommended.

    I chose the mint chocolate chip ice cream flavor, and although the mint and chocolate flavors are not very strong, they make you want to keep eating. The subtle mint and chocolate, combined with the soft waffle cone, are perfect as a dessert after a meal.


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