2024-01-15|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

恭賀即承認 日新美恭賀 Recognizing through congratulation

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

The US sends its delegation to Taiwan. The current official position is held by Laura Rosenberger, Chairperson of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), yet she is described as a accompanying "former senior official" Stephen J. Hadley, James B. Steinberg. The purpose is to convey the congratulations of "the American people" on Taiwan's successful election, under the name of "the American people" meaning that, according to the framework and structure of the Taiwan Relations Act, it does not violate the "our one China Policy" of the United States. Upon William Lai victory, Tsai Ing-wen immediately came to the campaign HQ to offer congratulations, expressing confirmation of the legitimacy of Lai's winning. Then, Lai accept congratulations first from Japan and then from Singapore in the following day, essentially confirming the legitimacy of the new administration by these two countries. Now, it's the turn of the United States. There are still the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, India, and other Pacific War participant countries left. Of course, following China, Russia promptly expressed a dissenting voice regarding Taiwan's autonomy and the election results.



台灣大選落幕 AIT:美前國安顧問、前副國務卿訪台表達支持   中央社 20240115


美前國安顧問、前副國務卿抵台訪問 未在桃機發表談話


美國在台協會(AIT)下午發布新聞稿表示,美國政府將遵循先例,在台灣總統選舉後邀請前資深官員以私人身分造訪台灣,前國家安全顧問哈德利(Stephen J. Hadley)及前副國務卿史坦伯格(James B. Steinberg)今天抵達台北,美國在台協會(AIT)主席羅森伯格(Laura Rosenberger)隨行



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