2024-01-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘


     For Bitcoin investors and skeptics alike, this week marked a turning point. The SEC approved the launch of exchange-traded funds that invest directly in the digital currency, including from industry heavyweights BlackRock, Invesco and Fidelity, but not before the agency’s X account was hacked. The SEC approval will broaden access to the largest cryptocurrency on Wall Street and beyond. Despite the breakthrough move, SEC Chair Gary Gensler reiterated the agency doesn’t endorse digital assets. Meanwhile, some former customers of bankrupt crypto firm FTX are pushing a judge to change how they will be repaid, saying they are losing out on crypto’s resurgence. (不論是比特幣投資者和懷疑論者,本週標誌著一個轉折點。美國證券交易委員會(SEC)批准直接投資於數位貨幣的指數股票型基金投入市場,包括該行業重量級BlackRock、Invesco和Fidelity,但在此之前,該機構的X帳戶遭到駭客。美國證券交易委員會的批准將擴大華爾街及其他地區對最大的加密貨幣的接觸管道。儘管此突破性的措施,美國證券交易委員會主席Gary Gensler重申該機構不宣傳吹捧數位資產。在此同時,破產的FTX加密公司的一些前客戶正敦促法官改變他們的償還方式,宣稱他們正受損於加密貨幣的再次興起。)


    ①   Bitcoin 比特幣

    ②   skeptic 懷疑論者

    ③   A and B alike 不分A與B

    ④   SEC美國證券交易委員會,全名為United States Securities and Exchange Commission

    ⑤   approve   v.批准

    approval  n.批准

    ⑥   launch 發行;上市;投放市場;啓動,推出,發起

    ⑦   exchange-traded funds 指數股票型基金,縮寫為ETF

    ⑧   digital currency 數位貨幣

    ⑨   heavyweight 重量級人事物

    ⑩   cryptocurrency 加密貨幣

    ⑪  move 措施,對策

    ⑫  reiterate 重申

    ⑬  agency 專業行政機構,局,署,處

    ⑭  endorse(在廣告中對某種産品)宣傳,吹捧;背書;贊同;認可

    ⑮  asset 資產

    ⑯  former 以前的;前任的;一度的

    ⑰  lose out on 受損失;處於劣勢;吃虧

    ⑱  resurgence 復活;復甦;再起;再現;再次興起





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