更新於 2024/02/21閱讀時間約 6 分鐘


    【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

    Regarding the incident in Kinmen waters on February 14, 2024:

    It is essential to recognize that Kinmen and Matsu lie within the waters delineated by China's territorial baseline, as per the tenets of sovereignty and jurisdiction established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Consequently, these waters fall under Chinese territorial sovereignty, encompassing both territorial seas and waters. However, it is acknowledged that Taiwan exercises effective control over these areas. Notably, under UNCLOS, Taiwan cannot unilaterally demarcate baselines or claim the full rights associated with territorial waters. In lieu of this, Taiwan establish "restricted or prohibited water areas and restricted zones," subject to existing power dynamics and mutual understandings. This specific issue is demonstrably fraught with political sensitivity.

    The recent incident, initiated by China with no doubt, carries significant political weight. Resolving this situation necessitates negotiation and compromise on both sides. However, the claim by Taiwanese authorities that Taiwanese vessels are not obligated to obey orders from the China Coast Guard or other Chinese law enforcement agencies presents a potential complication. By issuing such an "order," the Taiwan Ocean Affairs Council may inadvertently provide legal grounds for China to argue that their vessels are similarly exempt from complying with Taiwanese law enforcement directives. In conclusion, it is imperative to approach cross-border matters with due diligence and recognize the intricate legal and political considerations involved.

    正如20240214 金門水域事件,主權與管轄權所言,金門與馬祖是位於中國領海基線內的水域,中國的領土與領海,台灣有效管轄,所以台灣無法劃定基線與主張領海等,只能設立「限制或禁止水域及限制區域」,政治上非常敏感。



    管碧玲1句話陷人民於危險?前大使轟:義和團所屬海委會    中時 20240221






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