全民英檢中級口說 第二部分回答問題 ep.4

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Who do you spend the most time with your family? What do you do?

  • I spend the most time with my younger sister. We’re really close, and we often hang out after school, watch movies, and help each other with homework. It's cool having a sibling as a built-in friend.
  • I usually spend a lot of time with my mom. We share a love for cooking, so we often team up in the kitchen to try out new recipes. It’s a fun way for us to bond and create some delicious meals together.
  • I spend most of my time with my dad. We’re both into sports, so we play basketball or go for a run together. It’s a great way for us to stay active and connect while enjoying something we both love.

What would you do if someone next to you hurt his finger?

  • Oh, if someone next to me hurt their finger, I’d probably offer them some tissues or a band-aid if I have one. I mean, accidents happen, right? Just trying to help out.
  • Well, if someone hurts their finger, I’d check if they’re okay and maybe ask if they need any help. I’d offer to get a first aid kit if it’s more serious. It’s important to be there for each other.
  • If someone next to me hurt their finger, I’d likely ask if they’re alright and if there's anything I can do to help. Maybe suggest going to the nurse or finding someone who can assist with first aid. It’s about being supportive and caring, you know?

What are you going to do this weekend?

  • I’m planning to hang out with friends on Saturday, maybe catch a movie or grab some food. Then on Sunday, I’ll likely work on homework and relax at home.
  • This weekend, I have a soccer game on Saturday morning, and in the afternoon, I’m helping organize a charity event with my school club. Sunday, I’ll dedicate some time to studying for upcoming tests.
  • I’m excited for the weekend! I’ll be attending a music concert with my cousin on Friday night. On Saturday, I have a family gathering, and Sunday is reserved for catching up on some Netflix and getting ahead on my assignments.

Who is your best friend? Describe him or her.

  • Oh, my best friend’s name is Jake. He’s super chill and always has this contagious energy. We share a lot of interests, like gaming and playing basketball.
  • My best friend is Emily. She’s incredibly creative and has this amazing sense of humor. We’ve been through so much together, and she’s the one I can always turn to for advice or just a good laugh.
  • Well, my best friend is Alex. We often explore new places together and have these deep conversations about life. Alex is someone who pushes me to be better, and I appreciate the honesty and genuine connection we share.

Is it more important to help the world or make money?

  • Well, I think it’s crucial to find a balance between helping the world and making money. While making money is essential for personal stability, contributing to the greater good through charity or social initiatives is equally important for a meaningful life.
  • In my opinion, it’s a bit of both. Making money provides security and opportunities, but helping the world ensures a positive impact on society. Striking a balance allows for personal success while also contributing to the well-being of others.
  • I believe making money is important for a comfortable life, but it’s equally crucial to use those resources to make a positive impact on the world. Combining financial success with social responsibility can create a fulfilling and purposeful life.
Google News 追蹤
2024/08/07 帶孩子們一起回去爸媽家住了幾天,跟爸爸妹妹一起生活讓我覺得很開心,每天都很快就過去了,能夠一家人都聚在一起的時光,其實是不多的,或許也因為我的人生到現在為止,「失去」很多,即使也體會到許多「獲得」,對於親情,卻仍是渴望擁有更多時間可以相聚。 回來之後,我連續兩天精神
妹妹M從小除了有我們的愛,還有姊姊S窒息式的愛。 相較S,她的愛就是活生生的多了一份。 S小時候,面對的是我們兩人完全的注意力,聽的是成人的對談。 而M現在面對的,是三人乒乓球般的混亂,外加偶爾的猴戲和崩潰。 不同的成長環境,自然養出不同的信念和個性。 出生順序影響性格,並非都市傳說。
週末與小姪女的相處時光   通常週六和週日是我弟(小姪女的爸爸)與她相處的時間。因為工作的關係,我弟並不在台南縣市工作,而是在其他縣市租房子。週末才會回來台南與小孩和老婆碰面。為了讓小姪女有更多時間和爸爸相處,我這位二姑姑便在週末放假。如果我弟週末無法回家陪小姪女玩,那麼我這位二姑姑就得上陣
看到不同的家長與孩子的互動 時常讓我想到我與兒子們的關係
一直覺得我和我妹年齡差距已經算很大了,直到看到Threads脆這篇串文。 為什麼隔多年這麼才再生,我猜我爸還是想要有個兒子吧,我妹出生後家裡經濟也穩定許多,曾經我得開口甚至要努力想理由爭取而來的物品,我妹不用開口就有,因為我有,我父母也覺得她也應該要有,包含手機和筆電這些。 加上我妹個
有時候,我會覺得她們倆不是我女兒,而是我的閨蜜。 我們總可以吱吱喳喳地聊個不停,不管內容有多無厘頭, 當然也常常互相向對方傾訴內心的喜怒哀樂。 我們有著對彼此的關心,那是這世上很難得的真意。 我們有著對彼此的眷戀,那也是永恆不變的真情。 當我很極力地去在乎她們的感受時,其實她們也很盡力地在呵護著我。
2024/08/07 帶孩子們一起回去爸媽家住了幾天,跟爸爸妹妹一起生活讓我覺得很開心,每天都很快就過去了,能夠一家人都聚在一起的時光,其實是不多的,或許也因為我的人生到現在為止,「失去」很多,即使也體會到許多「獲得」,對於親情,卻仍是渴望擁有更多時間可以相聚。 回來之後,我連續兩天精神
妹妹M從小除了有我們的愛,還有姊姊S窒息式的愛。 相較S,她的愛就是活生生的多了一份。 S小時候,面對的是我們兩人完全的注意力,聽的是成人的對談。 而M現在面對的,是三人乒乓球般的混亂,外加偶爾的猴戲和崩潰。 不同的成長環境,自然養出不同的信念和個性。 出生順序影響性格,並非都市傳說。
週末與小姪女的相處時光   通常週六和週日是我弟(小姪女的爸爸)與她相處的時間。因為工作的關係,我弟並不在台南縣市工作,而是在其他縣市租房子。週末才會回來台南與小孩和老婆碰面。為了讓小姪女有更多時間和爸爸相處,我這位二姑姑便在週末放假。如果我弟週末無法回家陪小姪女玩,那麼我這位二姑姑就得上陣
看到不同的家長與孩子的互動 時常讓我想到我與兒子們的關係
一直覺得我和我妹年齡差距已經算很大了,直到看到Threads脆這篇串文。 為什麼隔多年這麼才再生,我猜我爸還是想要有個兒子吧,我妹出生後家裡經濟也穩定許多,曾經我得開口甚至要努力想理由爭取而來的物品,我妹不用開口就有,因為我有,我父母也覺得她也應該要有,包含手機和筆電這些。 加上我妹個
有時候,我會覺得她們倆不是我女兒,而是我的閨蜜。 我們總可以吱吱喳喳地聊個不停,不管內容有多無厘頭, 當然也常常互相向對方傾訴內心的喜怒哀樂。 我們有著對彼此的關心,那是這世上很難得的真意。 我們有著對彼此的眷戀,那也是永恆不變的真情。 當我很極力地去在乎她們的感受時,其實她們也很盡力地在呵護著我。