2024-05-22|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘


    #They all use mechanical translation, and my English is not good.

    Racial discrimination is not a kind of discrimination, but a flaw that everyone will have, and their unchanging attitudes.   Why do we say that we do not change our concepts? It is better to say why we do not change them! Because we are "self-righteous" or because we are old, we "think" that we understand everything, so we limit and insult them, and we identify everything from the point of view of "ourselves."   What is discrimination? Exclusion, verbal abuse or isolation just because he is "different" from me, as if it happens when people first meet other "races", but in reality this is not the case, students also exclude each other, and adults also abuse each other.   But aren't they fundamentally the same? It is a life, and every person, regardless of race, has a heartbeat, emotions, feelings, and their own words.

    Maybe you're scared to see something different from yourself, but isn't it more curious? As long as everyone has a bottom line, if they don't violate others, how can others attack for no reason, right? At best, it's just "not knowing the rules of the place"   If he is no different from "himself", then is he not able to talk? Who says you have to know "language" to talk? As if you can't, the same is true of other expressions.

    Therefore, it is not true to say that man is a predominantly self-centered creature [Ref. (2)Vision]?   Because people and things that focus on "themselves", or "current areas", must think that the outside is the same as here, and otherwise... (The Frog at the Bottom of the Well).

      Man is alive and there is no problem, man needs to eat, there is no problem, but what is wrong?   The race of each region, the race of each place, is different to show their uniqueness, has nothing to do with skin color, has nothing to do with technology, and has nothing to do with IQ.   Remove what you discriminated against... So how is he different from you? "It's an individual" whether it's a disability or a physical deformity, but what is the difference in the end?

    What makes him different from you is that he "knows" things that he has not "touched".   The definition of race is inaccurate, arbitrary, politicized, and conventional, and changes with differences in cultural perspectives, so what is race?   It is divided in order to show the characteristics of the race, because the growth environment and creatures of the race are all special, and then something must appear over time, and that is called "culture".     Language, cognition, beliefs, food... So why isn't that a pleasure? Talking without "evil" and laughing with "good", so... Racial discrimination is nothing but the contempt of one party for one party because of "ignorance" (self-superiority that unconsciously appears).

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