create a realistic sandblasted glass, intricately engraved with elegant waterlilies, contributing to the serene and comfortable mood setting.
create a highly realistic image embodying the essence of a refreshing summer vibe. Place on both the left side and right sides, two pieces of bare, sandblasted glass, intricately engraved with elegant florals of waterlilies contributing to the serene and comfortable mood setting. Ensure the textures of fine details of the wisteria engraving on the glass are rendered in sharp, lifelike details, enchancing the overall realism of the scene.
▪︎工具: Copilot
創造一個高度逼真的圖像,體現清爽夏日氛圍的精髓。 左右兩側各放置兩塊的噴砂玻璃,上面精緻地雕刻著優雅的睡蓮花朵,營造出寧靜舒適的氛圍。 確保玻璃上紫藤雕刻的精細紋理呈現清晰、逼真的細節,增強場景的整體真實感。
創造一個高度逼真的圖像,體現清爽夏日氛圍的精髓。 左右兩側各放置兩塊長方形裸露的噴砂玻璃,上面雕刻著優雅的海芋花卉,營造出寧靜舒適的氛圍。 確保玻璃上海芋雕刻的精細紋理呈現清晰、逼真的細節,增強場景的整體真實感。
▪︎形狀:三角形、圓形、方形、長方形、五角形... 等等
創造一個高度逼真的圖像,體現清爽夏日氛圍的精髓。 左右兩側各放置兩塊裸露的噴砂玻璃,上面雕刻著優雅的藍色繡球花,營造出寧靜舒適的氛圍。 確保玻璃上橘色牡丹花雕刻的精細紋理呈現清晰、逼真的細節,增強場景的整體真實感。