2024-05-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 23 分鐘



創建一個具有四個獨立面板的圖像,統一都有一個小而簡單的塑膠質感的波斯貓頭,光滑無毛的白色陶瓷波斯貓,顯示不同的面部表情。 左上方面板顯示出開心眯著眼睛的表情和頭上的一朵花。 右上方面板顯示出悲哀流淚的表情。 左下方面板顯示出憤怒生氣的大眼睛。 右下方面板有喜樂安穩的中立表情。



創建 4×4 的圖像網格

  • 每個圖像都有一個小巧簡約的塑膠白色波斯貓臉雕像。
  • 皮克斯卡通人物動畫風格、頭型稍微壓扁
  • 3D瓷器、光滑無毛質感,
  • 黃金比例的孩童五官、臉上表情中立如小男孩、眼睛閉著,



<Create a 3×3 image grid>

  • Front view. Each image features a small, simple plastic white squashed Persian cat head figure.
  • Pixar animated character style. Squashed head .
  • 3D porcelain, natural smooth and hairless plastic texture.
  • Facial features in golden ratio.
  • Emphasize the persain cat's flatten nose.
  • The expression on the face is neutral, like a little Persian cat boy, with the eyes closed to show innocence.
  • The all backgrounds have a consistent light blue background with pastel tones.


Front view of a small, simple plastic white Persian cat head with 9:16 aspect ratio, 3D porcelain material, smooth and hairless texture, facial features in golden ratio, flat nose with two nostrils, neutral expression like a young Persian boy with eyes closed peacefully, innocence, like a sleeping young boy with a slight sweet smile, and slightly bigger eyes. Background in light blue with soft pastel tones.


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