2024-06-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

雅思一招驚艷考官,不是超人,只是恰當使用not to mention而已



    Q: What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?

    1. Every time a misunderstanding with a friend arises, I prefer to address it directly and have an open conversation about what happened. It's important to me to ensure that both parties feel heard and understood, not to mention the peace of mind it brings.
    2. When there's a misunderstanding with a friend, I find it helpful to revisit the situation together and discuss our perspectives. This approach helps me feel reassured that we understand each other better, not to mention the positive impact it has on our friendship.
    3. In the case of a misunderstanding with a friend, I usually take some time to think before initiating a conversation to resolve it. This allows me to stay calm and composed, not to mention the fact that it helps in finding a constructive solution.


    1. every time就是可以連接兩個子句的連接詞,不要說every time when。確保發生誤會的兩造(both parties)的聲音都有被聽見而且被了解,對考生來說是重要的,更不用說開誠布公溝通之後帶來了心靈平靜,意思是心靈平靜更加重要。
    2. 剛剛使用arise在副詞子句中表示誤會發生,現在改換一個誤會存在的there + be + S的句型,而主要子句則用五大句型的第五種虛受詞搭配受詞補語來表達一同討論是有幫助的。在這個範例裡,考生會因為增進了彼此了解而感覺到心中踏實,更不用說日後對於友誼的影響了,言下之意便是此事件的處置對於未來情誼的影響更加重要。
    3. 再次以in the case of ...(在有誤會的情況之下)展現考生的Grammatical Range。考生在解決誤會的實際行動以前會花點時間思考,以便保持冷靜,更不用說深思熟慮以後有助於找到有建設性的解決方案了,意思是找到優質解決方案更是重要。

    not to mention的正確用法

    • 加名詞做受詞
    • 加動名詞片語做受詞
    • 加the fact that再加主詞動詞,亦即not to mention通常不會直接加上主詞動詞

    not to mention為什麼能獲得考官青睞

    句子前半部和not to mention後面產生層次感,在連貫性評分項目上大加分。


    Q: How did you use to spend your summer holidays when you were a child?

    1. When I was a child, I used to spend my summer holidays at my grandparents' house in the countryside. I loved the fresh air and beautiful scenery, not to mention the wonderful memories I created with my cousins.
    2. As a child, I spent my summer holidays attending various sports camps. It was always exciting to learn new skills and make new friends, not to mention the sense of accomplishment I felt after each camp.
    3. When I was a kid, I often traveled with my family to different cities during summer holidays. I cherished the adventure and the chance to experience new cultures, not to mention the quality time spent with my family.
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