2024-07-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 29 分鐘

抄寫英文的奇蹟 Day51-Day60


    Phase 6 Integrate in Life

    Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life.


    Day51 Gratitude Collage Keeps You Positive.

    Grab some photos and bits and pieces that remind you of what you’re thankful. Whenever you glance at it, you’ll have a visual nudge of the good stuff in your life. Seeing your personal collection of happy moments can brighten your day and keep those thankful vibes string. It’s a simple way to keep your spirits up and remember the cool things that make life sparkle.

    Day52. Gotta Have a Plan B

    Not everything’s gonna go the way you want it to, right? Being flexible isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s actually being smart and ready for whatever life throws at you.

    Day53. Keep It Fresh

    If you’ve tried a method for a while but it’s just not clicking, don’t force it. The key it to keep things fresh and exciting. That way, you’ll stay motivated and eager to learn more.

    Day54. Don’t Just Help Others Achieve Their Dreams.

    You must have you own goals, regardless of the stage life you’re in. With goals, you’ll maintain your sense of personal dignity and experience a sense of accomplishment whenever you achieve something new.

    Day55. Give Them the Love They Really Want.

    Notice what they always do for you. For example, if they constantly tell you, “I love you.”, they need you to do the same. Alternatively, if they always hug or kiss you, that’s what they need you to do, too.

    Day56. Swap & Conquer

    You know how sometimes you’re stuck on a problem. Here’s a fun twist to try out. Team up with a friend and swap a tricky challenge you’re each dealing with. It’s like taking a break from your own puzzle and diving into theirs. You might be surprised at how seeing their challenge from a fresh angle gives you new insights.

    Day57. The Source of Most Happiness.

    Most of your happiness in life comes from your interactions with others. It’s so important to nurture those relationships because they provide a strong support system, and life’s just better when you have people to share it with.

    Day58. It’s a New Game with New Rules.

    When the world gives you a new challenge, grab it and grow with it. Keep your curiosity alive and keep learning. It’s nothing but an exciting adventure waiting to begin!

    Day59. Me Time

    Self-love is like being your own best friend. It’s about appreciating and caring for yourself just as much as you would for someone you deeply care about. Set aside some “me time” everyday. It can be anything that makes you feel relaxed and happy. “Me time” is like pressing the pause button on the busy world around you and focusing on your inner peace.

    Day 60. Your Journey, Your Pace.

    It’s totally okay that everyone grows and learns at their own pace. How about you set goals based on your rate of progress and celebrate your small wins? Remember, you can’t rush growth. Just like a rose needs time to bloom, you need time to grow in your own special way. Keep going at your pace, and you’ll see how wonderfully you.

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