每日英語 #071: Remembering the Dead

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Remembering the Dead

People often say that talking about death and dying is morbid. If you’re “morbid,” you are showing an unnatural or unhealthy interest in unpleasant and disturbing topics, such as illness and death.


But other people think it is simply practical to prepare for death by making arrangements ahead of time. This way, they are confident that their wishes “will be honored” (will be respected).


Some people “put a lot of thought into” (think deeply about) how they want to be remembered by family or friends and what they want done with their bodies once they die.


Most people want to be “buried” (placed in the ground). Others want to be “cremated” (burned completely) and have the “ashes” (black or gray powder left after burning) kept in an “urn” (tall stone or metal container for storing ashes) or to be “scattered” (thrown in a random way) in a meaningful place.


Now, there are companies that will take your ashes and press them into a “vinyl record,” one of those black, round “disks” (flat circles) that is used to play music popular starting about 50 years ago. These companies provide a service that will allow you to select any recording – your favorite song, a recorded message from you to your family, your “last will and testament” (legal document stating what you want done with your money and property after you die) – and create a record using your ashes. This way, you can “live on” (for others to remember you) in something that you leave for your family or friends.



  • Morbid 病態的 /ˈmɔːrbɪd/
  • Honored 被尊重的 /ˈɑːnərd/
  • Put a lot of thought into 花很多心思 /pʊt ə lɑːt əv θɔːt ˈɪntu/
  • Buried 埋葬 /ˈbɛrid/
  • Cremated 火化 /krɪˈmeɪtɪd/
  • Ashes 骨灰 /ˈæʃɪz/
  • Urn 骨灰盒 /ɜːrn/
  • Scattered 撒 /ˈskætərd/
  • Vinyl record 黑膠唱片 /ˈvaɪnl ˈrɛkərd/
  • Disk 光盤 /dɪsk/
  • Last will and testament 遺囑 /læst wɪl ənd ˈtɛstəmənt/
  • Live on 活著 /lɪv ɒn/
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