2024-07-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

獻給Lily & Scott的婚禮致詞






Hi everyone, I am Lily’s mother Wei-Pai and this is Lily’s father, Dr. Hung. We flew from Taiwan a few days ago to be here for Lily, our first child’s wedding. This is the most important day in her life. I also wanted to introduce Lily’s sister Amy and her husband Peter Liu, who live here in San Jose with their two children Jaden and Ivy.

A Chinese proverb says: 有緣千里來相會─緣分. It means “A predetermined binding force between two people brings them together.” It suggests the couple were meant to overcome all odds to meet and be together. Because of this fate, Lily and Scott met six years ago and fell in love at first sight.

At the end of 2022, I got a letter from Scott. He asked me and Lily’s father to give him permission to propose to Lily. I was so moved by Scott’s consideration. He showed his respect to the parents of whom he loves, which we Chinese consider as a good virtue. At that time, I knew that Lily had found her Mr. Right.

I appreciate Mr. and Mrs. Furumoto who have raised such a nice young man. I am so lucky to have another son-in-law besides Peter. In Chinese, we call a son-in-law half-son半子, which shows how we adore a new family member who is married with our daughter.

Last year I visited San Francisco in the spring. Scott, Lily, and I had a very good time. We celebrated mother’s day in a winery and even ran a 10K marathon together. Scott, I know you love playing golf, however, I am looking forward to running a half marathon with you and Lily in a short time, be prepared.

Lastly, I would like to warmly welcome all the relatives and friends who share the joy with Lily and Scott on this important day. Thank you, everyone.

Let’s raise a glass to the happy couple, congratulations. 祝你們 百年好合 永结同心. May you happily be together for a hundred years and forever be of one heart, one mind. Cheers!


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