2024-07-31|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 25 分鐘

[#6] California wildfire 美國加州今年最嚴重野火


A massive wildfire is spreading through northern California and Canada at a rate of 5,000 acres per hour that has burned through more than 370,000 acres.


The Park fire was started last Wednesday by a 42-year-old man, has been arrested on suspicion of starting the fire by pushing a burning car into a gulley.


It is now the largest wildfire in California of the year, and the fifth largest ever recorded in California.


Because of the Park fire, hundreds of homes have been destroyed, over 8,000 residents have been evacuated, and the governor has declared a state of emergency in some counties.


The fire, with flames that reached the town of Jasper, a popular tourist town in Alberta, setting thousands of visitors and residents fleeing the town and almost 40% of all structures in the city have been destroyed.

大火蔓延到艾伯塔省著名的旅遊小鎮賈斯珀鎮,導致數千名遊客和居民逃離該鎮,該市幾乎40% 的建築被摧毀。

The fire was growing quickly, which had been fueled by hot and dry weather and gusty wind.Earth scientists say climate change may be making the fire season longer, blazes more intense and weather more extreme.




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