Who Will Win the Battle Over Immigration Policy?

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In recent years, the United States has witnessed intense debates over immigration policy. President Trump, a Republican, and Vice President Harris, a Democrat, represent two vastly different stances on this issue.

Trump has long adhered to a strict stance on limiting immigration, renowned for his tough immigration policies. He advocates for rigorous border control, restricts the influx of illegal immigrants, and has frequently made controversial statements in public. He questions Harris's racial and gender identity, believing she lacks the ability to handle complex immigration issues. Trump labels Harris as a representative of the "extreme left," advocating for a significant reduction in illegal immigration and raising the bar for legal immigration. He criticizes Harris for supporting an "open borders" policy, describing it as "dangerous and extreme." This questioning is not only an attack on Harris personally but also a profound challenge to race, gender, and identity politics in American society. Trump's words and actions undoubtedly exacerbate tensions within American society, sparking widespread discussions on racial equality, gender justice, and identity.

In contrast, Harris advocates for a more open and humane immigration policy. She calls for providing more legal pathways for immigration while protecting the rights of illegal immigrants. Harris believes Trump's remarks on immigration contain elements of racial and gender discrimination. She vows to work on repairing the immigration system "destroyed by the Trump administration," with a focus on providing a path for "Dreamers" to legally reside and work in the United States.

This debate on immigration policy has sparked widespread discussions across all sectors of society. Trump supporters believe he is upholding American interests, while Harris supporters accuse Trump of racial discrimination. This election will be one of the most challenging in recent American history, touching on sensitive topics such as immigration, race, and identity politics.

In general, Trump and Harris have fundamental disagreements on immigration. Trump advocates for tightening immigration restrictions, while Harris champions a more open and inclusive policy. This difference reflects the deep contradictions within American society regarding race, gender, and identity.

Exacerbating internal conflicts through political disagreements, especially on identity politics, has become a phenomenon that cannot be ignored in American society in recent years. The profound disagreements between Trump and Harris on immigration undoubtedly exemplify this trend. As they attack each other, the question arises: Whose immigration policy is more suitable for the United States?


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拜登退選對民主黨的選戰有何影響,以及Kamala Harris被提名作為總統候選人原因分析。
美總統大選辯論,拜登顯敗,民調七成以上不支持,媒體勸退,黨內大咖勸進。法國會大選,極右派大勝,馬克洪注定跛鴨。 BJ:現代民主選舉,不是咱想像的"選賢與能";而是比賽誰比較沒那麼多人討厭,跟品德、能力沒太大關係。目前檯面上的執政者如美日英法...全都有執政危機,但會不會過關?很大的因素取決於能不能
選舉結果 一 總體而言,前文的左右之分,左傾偏向支持開放邊境政策﹑認同全球暖化是一個科學事實﹑推崇多元文化﹑福利主義﹑反資本主義等﹔而右傾則關注國家安全﹑反對開放邊境﹑對全球暖化抱懷疑態度﹑主張融合移民政策﹑減少福利主義﹑反對社會主義﹑以古典自由主義 (自由市場﹑個人權利) 為原則。 這個
歐洲議會選舉揭曉,極右派席次大增,范德賴恩仍為最大黨派,馬克宏解散國會。歐洲股匯價崩跌。川普陣營大受鼓舞,在拉斯維加斯說落選會第三次世界大戰。 BJ:科普一下,現在西方在講的左右派,專指移民政策和保護主義。左派收移民,右派不收移民;兩派都要保護主義。跟傳統經濟左右派的意涵不同。 世界大戰早就開始
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/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
拜登退選對民主黨的選戰有何影響,以及Kamala Harris被提名作為總統候選人原因分析。
美總統大選辯論,拜登顯敗,民調七成以上不支持,媒體勸退,黨內大咖勸進。法國會大選,極右派大勝,馬克洪注定跛鴨。 BJ:現代民主選舉,不是咱想像的"選賢與能";而是比賽誰比較沒那麼多人討厭,跟品德、能力沒太大關係。目前檯面上的執政者如美日英法...全都有執政危機,但會不會過關?很大的因素取決於能不能
選舉結果 一 總體而言,前文的左右之分,左傾偏向支持開放邊境政策﹑認同全球暖化是一個科學事實﹑推崇多元文化﹑福利主義﹑反資本主義等﹔而右傾則關注國家安全﹑反對開放邊境﹑對全球暖化抱懷疑態度﹑主張融合移民政策﹑減少福利主義﹑反對社會主義﹑以古典自由主義 (自由市場﹑個人權利) 為原則。 這個
歐洲議會選舉揭曉,極右派席次大增,范德賴恩仍為最大黨派,馬克宏解散國會。歐洲股匯價崩跌。川普陣營大受鼓舞,在拉斯維加斯說落選會第三次世界大戰。 BJ:科普一下,現在西方在講的左右派,專指移民政策和保護主義。左派收移民,右派不收移民;兩派都要保護主義。跟傳統經濟左右派的意涵不同。 世界大戰早就開始
2024 年大選,帶大家回顧一下近期所看到幾篇相當有趣、值得一提的選舉「好新聞」提供給大家參考!