2024-11-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘

模糊符碼的守護者 The Keeper of Faded Codes

Jane places her hands gently on the surface, her mind syncing with the vibrations of its origins. She is transported to a warehouse in 1925.

Jane places her hands gently on the surface, her mind syncing with the vibrations of its origins. She is transported to a warehouse in 1925.



某一天,珍發現了一個刻在舊物上的神秘符號:「CAN 25…」和「1225 PA」。對大多數人來說,這只是一個褪色的標記。而對珍而言,這是一個挑戰——一扇通往另一個時代的門。符號的暗淡色彩透露出深藏在灰塵與記憶中的故事,其構圖則像是一個經過精心設計的謎題,用來保護真相的核心。

珍輕輕地將手放在物品表面,她的心靈與它的起源產生共鳴。隨即,她被帶到了1925年的一個倉庫。木箱如同巨石般堆疊,裡面裝滿了為一場已被遺忘的探險準備的補給品。她得知,這些符號其實是用來標記一批運往北極探險的物資編碼。而這場探險由一位名叫以斯拉·保羅(Ezra Paul)的夢想家所領導,目的是在極夜之下繪製未知的地圖。



In a world where the past is encoded in fragments, Jane emerges as the Keeper of Faded Codes. Her unique gift is the ability to decipher blurred messages left behind by time. These cryptic imprints, barely visible to the untrained eye, hold the keys to forgotten tales and histories woven deep into objects.

One day, Jane encounters a mysterious inscription etched into the side of a worn artifact: “CAN 25…” and “1225 PA.” To most, it’s merely a faded mark. To Jane, it’s a challenge—a portal into another time. The muted colors of the inscription hint at a story buried in layers of dust and memory, its composition a deliberate puzzle meant to safeguard the essence of its truth.

Jane places her hands gently on the surface, her mind syncing with the vibrations of its origins. She is transported to a warehouse in 1925. Wooden crates stacked like monoliths hold provisions for a long-forgotten expedition. The inscription, she learns, is an inventory code for supplies destined for a daring Arctic journey. The expedition, led by a visionary named Ezra Paul, sought to map uncharted territories under the endless night of polar winters.

Yet the crates never made it to their destination. Sabotaged by rival explorers, the ship sank near Newfoundland, carrying its treasures to the ocean floor. Only fragments like this faded code survived, bearing silent witness to the lost endeavor.

Jane’s work as the Keeper of Faded Codes restores these fragments to the living world. She chronicles the expedition’s story, ensuring Ezra Paul and his dream are remembered. The blurred marks, once ignored, now serve as enduring testaments to human ambition and resilience.

My name is Jane.

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