【上帝之子.彌賽亞】2024 聖誕系列聚會
By Webmaster - November 19, 2024
【上帝之子.彌賽亞】2024 聖誕系列聚會
【子夜禮拜】Christmas Eve Midnight Service
- 時間:12月21日(週六)23:00 - 00:10
- 內容:經典聖誕聖詩、燭光祈禱、聖誕經文誦讀、平安夜子夜鳴鐘倒數
- 對象:社會大眾
- 備註:本場結束時間為子夜,請預先規劃返家交通(查詢捷運末班車:https://bit.ly/3yjLk4z)
【聖誕音樂會】Christmas Concert
- 時間:12月21日(週六)20:00
- 對象:社會大眾
- 演出者:男高音周柏谷
- 曲目:海頓創世紀|孟德爾頌以利亞 / 頌歌|韓德爾彌賽亞|神劇男聲選粹
- 演出者:小提琴伍長修
- 曲目:帕格尼尼 / 貝多芬 / 布拉姆斯 小提琴奏鳴曲與協奏曲
- 備註:節目開始前30分鐘開放免費入場,坐滿為止
▲ 各場義工報名:https://forms.gle/UP2zspEh81VM9rmR8
- 主辦單位:臺北歸正福音教會
- 地址:北市公園路 26 號五樓
- 官網:www.rectp.org
- 注意事項:
- 各項活動參與均須符合防疫規範。
- 主辦單位保有所有相關活動最終解釋權及活動更改之權利,如有異動請以本會官網公告為準恕不另行通知。
- Joseph Haydn, The Creation, H.XXI:2
- Part I Day 4
- 11. And God said : Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven12. In splendour bright is rising now the sun
- Part II Day 6
- 23. And God created Man24. In native worth and honor clad
- Felix Mendelssohn, Elijah, Op.70
- Part I.3. Recitative (Obadiah): Ye people, rend your hearts4. Aria (Obadiah): If with all your hearts
- Part II.
- 39. Aria (Tenor): Then shall the righteous shine forth
- George Frideric Handel, Messiah, HWV 56 Part II
- Scene 1: Christ's Passion
- 27. Thy rebuke hath broken his heart28. Behold and see if there be any sorrow
- Scene 2: Christ's Death and Resurrection
- 29. He was cut off30. But thou didst not leave his soul in hell
- Scene 6: The World's Rejection of the Gospel
- 40. He that dwelleth in heaven
- Scene 7: God's Ultimate Victory
- 41. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron
- Felix Mendelssohn, Lobgesang; Symphony No.2, Op.52
- 3. Sing ye praise
- 6. The sorrows of death
- Niccolò Paganini, 24 Caprices for Solo Violin, Op.1, No.24. Caprice in A minor
- Ludwig van Beethoven, Violin Sonata No.5, Op.24 Movement 1.Allegro (F major)
- Johannes Brahms, Violin Concerto, Op.77 Movement 3. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace