
更新於 發佈於 閱讀時間約 1 分鐘
  1. It's nice out, isn't it? 外面天氣真好,不是嗎?
  2. It's chilly out, isn't it? 外面有點冷,不是嗎?
  3. It's humid out, isn't it? 外面有點潮濕,不是嗎?
  4. It's sunny out, isn't it? 外面陽光明媚,不是嗎?
  5. What a beautiful sunset! 好美的日落啊!
  6. What a long line! 好長的隊伍啊!
  7. What a cute dog! 好可愛的狗狗啊!
  8. What a cute dress! 好漂亮的連衣裙啊!
  9. What a fun day! 好有趣的一天啊!

奈特王的宇宙教室 的其他內容
Can you do five? 你能賣五塊嗎? do = aceept Can you do fifty? 你能賣五十嗎? Can you throw in this pastcard? 你能贈送這個明信片嗎? Can you throw in these candles? 你能贈送這些蠟燭
Do you have this in beige? 你們這件有米色的嗎? Do you have this in white? 你們這件有白色的嗎? Do you have this in green? 你們這件有綠色的嗎? Do you have this in a large? 你們這件
How much is this hoodie? 這件連帽衫多少錢? How much is this bracelet? 這條手鍊多少錢? How much is this cardigen? 這件開衫(外搭外套)多少錢? How much is this tank top? 這件背心多少錢
Can you point me to the clearance section? 你能告訴我清倉區在哪裡嗎? Can you point me to the new arrivals section? 你能告訴我新品區在哪裡嗎? Can you point me to the men's s
I wanted my chicken grilled. 我是想要燒烤的雞肉 I wanted my salmon medium-rare. 我是想要三分熟的鮭魚 I wanted my steak well-done. 我是想要全熟的牛排 I wanted my chicken fried.
Do you have any gluten-free options? 你們有無麩質的選擇嗎? Do you have any low-sodium options? 你們有低鈉的選擇嗎? Do you have any low-carb options? 你們有低碳的選擇嗎? Do you
Can you do five? 你能賣五塊嗎? do = aceept Can you do fifty? 你能賣五十嗎? Can you throw in this pastcard? 你能贈送這個明信片嗎? Can you throw in these candles? 你能贈送這些蠟燭
Do you have this in beige? 你們這件有米色的嗎? Do you have this in white? 你們這件有白色的嗎? Do you have this in green? 你們這件有綠色的嗎? Do you have this in a large? 你們這件
How much is this hoodie? 這件連帽衫多少錢? How much is this bracelet? 這條手鍊多少錢? How much is this cardigen? 這件開衫(外搭外套)多少錢? How much is this tank top? 這件背心多少錢
Can you point me to the clearance section? 你能告訴我清倉區在哪裡嗎? Can you point me to the new arrivals section? 你能告訴我新品區在哪裡嗎? Can you point me to the men's s
I wanted my chicken grilled. 我是想要燒烤的雞肉 I wanted my salmon medium-rare. 我是想要三分熟的鮭魚 I wanted my steak well-done. 我是想要全熟的牛排 I wanted my chicken fried.
Do you have any gluten-free options? 你們有無麩質的選擇嗎? Do you have any low-sodium options? 你們有低鈉的選擇嗎? Do you have any low-carb options? 你們有低碳的選擇嗎? Do you
Google News 追蹤
最近走在路上真的是熱到爆! 看到路邊有家咖啡廳,心想... 進去吹一下冷氣吧! 看到咖啡廳外還擺有桌椅﹐心裡忍不住嘀嘀咕咕了一下:「這種天氣會有人想坐外面的嗎?」。
今天的天氣 今天的天氣晴朗, 藍天白雲相映成趣, 讓人心情愉快。 不過,氣溫較高, 稍微有點熱, 需要注意防曬和補充水分。
最近天氣炎熱 平日上班都有冷氣吹 假日出門 不論是大眾運輸和店家也都有冷氣
風輕雲淡該是個豔陽天 晚秋遽寒初始 能曬個暖陽 人生享受 心也清   學庸93.10.22
最近走在路上真的是熱到爆! 看到路邊有家咖啡廳,心想... 進去吹一下冷氣吧! 看到咖啡廳外還擺有桌椅﹐心裡忍不住嘀嘀咕咕了一下:「這種天氣會有人想坐外面的嗎?」。
今天的天氣 今天的天氣晴朗, 藍天白雲相映成趣, 讓人心情愉快。 不過,氣溫較高, 稍微有點熱, 需要注意防曬和補充水分。
最近天氣炎熱 平日上班都有冷氣吹 假日出門 不論是大眾運輸和店家也都有冷氣
風輕雲淡該是個豔陽天 晚秋遽寒初始 能曬個暖陽 人生享受 心也清   學庸93.10.22