在使用 Flux 模型後,OpenPose 不太好用了(對我而言啦,或許對真正的高手無差),於是...來做一些手部動作的提示詞吧! 以後方便使用。
hands on hips 雙手叉腰
one hand touch her lips, 一隻手觸摸她的嘴唇
會用哪隻手指? 看運氣囉!
arms crossed,雙臂交叉
made a heart gesture with her hands forward, 雙手向前,做出了心形的手勢
one hand resting on her chin,一隻手托著下巴
arms above her head, 雙手舉過頭頂
one hand gently tugging at her hair, while her other hand rests casually at her hip,一隻手輕輕地拉著她的頭髮,另一隻手隨意地放在臀部上
Open arms and embrace the camera,張開雙臂擁抱相機
Pointing at the camera with both hands forward, 雙手向前,指向相機
Clench fists and place them on chin,握緊拳頭放在下巴上