Microsoft outage leaves thousands of users without access to email and apps
作者By Auzinea Bacon, CNN
發稿時間Published 5:37 PM EST, Sat March 1, 2025
(CNN) — Tens of thousands of Microsoft Outlook users reported issues with the e-mail service on Saturday afternoon. (數以萬計的微軟 Outlook 使用者於週六下午回報電子郵件服務出現問題。)
Microsoft 365, which manages services such as Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint, posted an update to X at 5:01 p.m. ET that it had “identified a potential cause of impact and have reverted the suspected code to alleviate impact.” (管理 Outlook、Excel 和 PowerPoint 等服務的 Microsoft 365 於美東時間下午 5:01 在 X 平台上發布更新,表示「我們已確認可能的影響原因,並已恢復疑似導致影響的程式碼,以減輕影響」。)
Although reports of an outage were primarily for Outlook, Microsoft said that “we’ve confirmed this issue is impacting various Microsoft 365 services” and is monitoring systems for recovery. (儘管當機報告主要針對 Outlook,微軟表示:「我們已確認該問題影響到多項 Microsoft 365 服務」,並正在監控系統恢復情況。)
① outage (n.) - 停電;中斷,當機
The unexpected ※power outage※ left the entire city in darkness for hours.
② access (n.) - 存取;進入權限
Only authorized personnel ※have access to※ the confidential files.
③ issue (n.) - 問題;議題
The committee discussed ※the issue of climate change※ and its global effects.
④ potential (adj.) - 潛在的;可能的
The young athlete's ※potential career as a professional player※ depends on recovering from the recent injury.
⑤ impact (n./v.) - 影響;衝擊 / 影響;衝擊
The economic crisis ※had a severe impact on small businesses※.
Climate change ※impacts agriculture and food production worldwide※.
⑥ revert (v.) - 恢復;回復
After the failed update, the system had to ※revert to its previous version※.
⑦ suspected (adj.) - 可疑的;被懷疑的
The police detained ※a suspected thief※ near the crime scene.
⑧ alleviate (v.) - 減輕;緩解
The new policy aims to ※alleviate traffic congestion in the city center※.
⑨ primarily (adv.) - 主要地;首要地
This course ※is primarily designed for ※ advanced learners.
⑩ monitor (v.) - 監控;監測
The security team constantly ※monitors the building※ for any suspicious activity.