H5N1 bird flu virus is infectious in raw milk cheese for months, posing risk to public health, study shows
(研究顯示H5N1 禽流感病毒在生乳起司中可存活數月,對公共衛生構成風險)
作者By Brenda Goodman, CNN
更新時間Updated 7:16 PM EDT, Fri March 14, 2025
(CNN) — Raw cheese made with milk from dairy cattle infected with bird flu can harbor infectious virus for months and may be a risk to public health, according to a new study from researchers at Cornell University that was funded by the US Food and Drug Administration.
1. infectious (adj.) 傳染性的
※ The infectious disease※ spread rapidly through the crowded city, prompting immediate government intervention.
2. infect (v.) 感染
※The virus can infect※ humans who come into direct contact with contaminated animals.
3. raw (adj.) 生的;未加工的
Consuming ※raw seafood※ without proper handling can lead to severe food poisoning.
4. pose (v.) 構成(威脅、危險)
The rapid spread of misinformation ※poses a serious threat※ to public trust in the media.
5. risk (n.) 風險
Investors must carefully assess ※the financial risk※ before committing large sums of money.
6. harbor (v.) 藏匿;攜帶(病原體),懷有
Some wild animals can ※harbor dangerous viruses※ without showing any symptoms.
7. administration (n.) 管理;行政機構
※The new administration※ has implemented policies to improve the country’s healthcare system.