Dream Theater_深情的重金屬樂團

閱讀時間約 16 分鐘


*Dream Theater - The Spirit Carries On (SCORE) 十分喜歡這一首 畢竟我最喜歡spiritua 類的東西 深情的重金屬樂團(可是因為聽得有限...還不感覺很重耶...反而覺得好深情)

*Dream Theater - Hollow Years Live At Budokan 喜歡前面的吉他獨奏 也喜歡主唱James LaBrie,的表達

*Dream Theater - Take Away My Pain

*主唱James LaBrie 好幾張專輯也會寫至少一首歌的歌詞

*wiki 介紹(我還沒找出想貼的段落)

*Dream Theater - Cover My Eyes 沒發行的片子

*Dream Theater - You Or Me

*Dream Theater - Tears 我真的很喜歡這個團的音樂伴奏獨奏編曲跟主唱

Dream Theater - Through Her Eyes
Music my Dream Theater
Lyrics by John Petrucci

She never really had a chance
On that fateful moonlit night
Sacrificed without a fight
A victim of her circumstance

Now that I've become aware
And I've exposed this tragedy
A sadness grows inside of me
It all seems so unfair

I'm learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes

Just beyond the churchyard gates
Where the grass is overgrown
I saw the writing on her stone
I felt like I would suffocate

Inloving memory of our child
So innocent, eyes open wide
I felt so empty as I cried
Like part of me had died

I'm learning all about my life
By looking through her eyes

And as her image
Wandered through my head
I wept just like a baby
As I lay awake in bed

And I know what it's like
To lose someone you love
And this felt just the same

She wasn't given any choice
Desperation stole her voice
I've been given so much more in life
I've got a son, I've got a wife

I had to suffer one last time
To grieve for her and say goodbye
Relive the anguish of my past
To find out who I was at last

The door has opened wide
I'm turning with the tide
Looking through her eyes

*Dream Theater - Finally Free

Music by Dream Theater
Lyrics by Mike Portnoy

"You are once again surrounded by a brilliant white light. Allow the light to lead you away from your past and into this lifetime. As the light dissipates you will slowly fade back into consciousness remembering all you have learned. When I tell you to open your eyes you will return to the present, feeling peaceful and refreshed. Open your eyes, Nicholas."

The Miracle:
Friday evening
The blood still on my hands
To think that she would leave me now
For that ungrateful man

Sole survivor
No witness to the crime
I must act fast to cover up
I think that there's still time

He'd seem hopeless and lost with this note
They'll buy into the words that I wrote

"This feeling inside me
Finally found my love, I've finally broke free
No longer torn in two
I'd take my own life before losing you"

Feeling good this Friday afternoon
I ran into Julian
Said we'd get together soon

He's always had my heart
He needs to know
I'll break free of the Miracle
It's time for him to go

This feeling inside me
Finally found my love, I've finally broke free
No longer torn in two
He'd kill his brother if he only knew

Their love renewed
They'd rendezvous
In a pathway out of view
They thought no one knew
Then came a shot out of the night

The Sleeper:
One last time
We'll lay down today
One last time
Until we fade away
One last time
We'll lay down today
One last time
We fade away

As their bodies lie still
And the ending draws near
Spirits rise through the air
All their fears disappear, it all becomes clear
A blinding light comes into view
An old soul exchanged for a new
A familiar voice comes shining through

This feeling inside me
Finally found my life, I'm finally free
No longer torn in two
I learned about my life by living through you

This feeling inside me
Finally found my life, I'm finally free
No longer torn in two
Living my own life by learning from you

We'll meet again my friend someday soon

CNN report:
"news in London, France, Russia and Italy have deleted their lead story, all anticipating the outcome of the man considered to be a member of American nobility. And as you can imagine, as the skies have grown darker here over Washington, the mood has grown darker as well and people here are beginning to resign themselves to the possibility that they are witnessing yet another tragedy in a long string of misfortunes. Reaction from everywhere, from Washington and certainly from around the world has gues..."

"Open your eyes, Nicholas."


*Dream Theater - One Last Time


*Dream Theater - Through My Words

*Dream Theater - Regression


Dream Theater
Metropolis Part 2 : Scenes from A Memory
Dream Theater 是來自美國東岸的一個重金屬樂團,因為他們的重金屬的個性,我發現不論是台灣還是歐美,都不再有什麼知識份子是身兼 Dream Theater 的樂迷。我曾經跟某些人開玩笑說:你要某一個樂團玩 Blur 的樂風,但突然他們的吉他手決定要飆得很快,馬上那些喜歡 Blur 的樂迷會把這樂團定義為重金屬,從此就不再可能再在主流被討論了。
我自己都還記得,Nuno Bettencourt 的第一張個人專輯其實是很像另類音樂的,但因為他的電吉他技術太好,反而變成像是四不像;但其實這正是他要的「融合」(fusion) 的樂風。你一定得找一位電吉他技術中等而已,但是編曲以及主唱的音色要能夠打動最多數的人,這時你就有 Coldplay 或者是 Linkin Park 了。
的確,Dream Theater 的東西不若早期的 Yes 或 Led Zeppelin 更容易被現代人接受,畢竟,Dream Theater 這幾年的作品根本已經是「率速金屬」(thrash metal),像我已經聽了 Systematic Chaos 快一個月,發覺第三首曲子根本跟 1988 年或 1989 年的 Testament 沒太多不同(1988 年的專輯是 The New Order,1989 年的專輯是 Practice What You Preach)。
如果有那種還能夠接受一些重金屬的聲音的樂迷,以下兩張四顆星的專輯可嘗試看看,至少勝過 Linkin Park、Coldplay 太多了。
Dream Theater 作品年表以及周星星評價
1989 : When Dream and Day Unite ★★
James LaBrie 1990 加入此樂團
1992 : Images and Words ★★★★
1994 : Awake ★★★★
1995 : A Change of Seasons (EP) ★★★
1997 : Falling into Infinity ★★★
1999 : Metropolis Part 2 : Scenes from A Memory ★★★
2002 : Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence ★★
2003 : Train of Thought ★★
2005 : Octavarium ★
2007 : Systematic Chaos ★

    5.4KContent count
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    「美國夢,是來自於 19 世紀一種相信只要努力奮鬥,便能在美國獲致更好生活的信仰。大蘋果紐約,尤其是美國夢的象徵。」 「只要你肯努力,人人都有機會」到現在,來自全球各地的移民只要相信搭船來到紐約,一看到港口的自由女神像時,就覺得自己的夢想,彷彿就要在這裡開始實現了。從小,美國文化一直影響與陪伴在我
    11/18/2008 Dream comes true 南湖大山的美景及故事,從登大山來就聽的很多了.一直嚮往著走上南湖大山. 在章魚的安排下我們出發去南湖大山.而且是在這麼樣的好天氣下走上南湖大山. 四天三夜的行程,用了三天兩夜走完.雖然累了點,但除了下山那天的下坡路. 行程上並沒有很趕
    《Dream:夢想代表隊》在社會的現實跟幻想的溫情之間,在無家可歸者的生命故事跟足球選手跌宕的奇遇人生之間,在明星演員的故事線和一般演員的故事線之間,在社會責任與影片公式之間, 在製造笑料和製造感動之間,在無家者的關懷和韓國足球的榮耀頌揚之間,無處安身。
    穿梭過去現在未來,舞動的氛圍,醞釀就快要爆炸的熱情,血液奔騰流竄,夜的美不似晝的單一,夜晚即將結束,多麼令人嘆惜,陽光包裹著被單,跳躍著人生,在永恆舞動人生,這一路上相知相惜的同伴們,永遠的懷念,互相鼓勵著,珍惜自然的緣份好聚好散,分開之後始終他們和她喜愛的音樂陪伴她獨自度過無數個殘酷的現實。 世
    Wish I could 我多麼希望 I could have said goodbye 我可以把再見說出口 I would have said what I wanted to 接著對你說出想要說的話 Maybe even cried for you 甚至為你而哭泣 If I knew it
    「Sometimes you face difficulties not because you’re doing something wrong, but because you're doing something right.」 Joel Osteen約爾·歐斯汀 抑或是你正在培養中呢?
    Dream walker,我給它的中文翻譯是「夢境行者」,跟電影「時空旅人之妻」裏的那個時空旅人一樣,他無法控制自己什麼時候可以出現或消失。 像這樣的話題由我來說,再適合不過了。
    重點摘要: 1.9 月降息 2 碼、進一步暗示年內還有 50 bp 降息 2.SEP 上修失業率預期,但快速的降息速率將有助失業率觸頂 3.未來幾個月經濟數據將繼續轉弱,經濟復甦的時點或是 1Q25 季底附近
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    「美國夢,是來自於 19 世紀一種相信只要努力奮鬥,便能在美國獲致更好生活的信仰。大蘋果紐約,尤其是美國夢的象徵。」 「只要你肯努力,人人都有機會」到現在,來自全球各地的移民只要相信搭船來到紐約,一看到港口的自由女神像時,就覺得自己的夢想,彷彿就要在這裡開始實現了。從小,美國文化一直影響與陪伴在我
    11/18/2008 Dream comes true 南湖大山的美景及故事,從登大山來就聽的很多了.一直嚮往著走上南湖大山. 在章魚的安排下我們出發去南湖大山.而且是在這麼樣的好天氣下走上南湖大山. 四天三夜的行程,用了三天兩夜走完.雖然累了點,但除了下山那天的下坡路. 行程上並沒有很趕
    《Dream:夢想代表隊》在社會的現實跟幻想的溫情之間,在無家可歸者的生命故事跟足球選手跌宕的奇遇人生之間,在明星演員的故事線和一般演員的故事線之間,在社會責任與影片公式之間, 在製造笑料和製造感動之間,在無家者的關懷和韓國足球的榮耀頌揚之間,無處安身。
    穿梭過去現在未來,舞動的氛圍,醞釀就快要爆炸的熱情,血液奔騰流竄,夜的美不似晝的單一,夜晚即將結束,多麼令人嘆惜,陽光包裹著被單,跳躍著人生,在永恆舞動人生,這一路上相知相惜的同伴們,永遠的懷念,互相鼓勵著,珍惜自然的緣份好聚好散,分開之後始終他們和她喜愛的音樂陪伴她獨自度過無數個殘酷的現實。 世
    Wish I could 我多麼希望 I could have said goodbye 我可以把再見說出口 I would have said what I wanted to 接著對你說出想要說的話 Maybe even cried for you 甚至為你而哭泣 If I knew it
    「Sometimes you face difficulties not because you’re doing something wrong, but because you're doing something right.」 Joel Osteen約爾·歐斯汀 抑或是你正在培養中呢?
    Dream walker,我給它的中文翻譯是「夢境行者」,跟電影「時空旅人之妻」裏的那個時空旅人一樣,他無法控制自己什麼時候可以出現或消失。 像這樣的話題由我來說,再適合不過了。