00.3. Beach Waw

閱讀時間約 7 分鐘
"011......淺處有 0,深處多 1......那麼,近處有什麼?遠處多什麼?............"
"You think you know the sea more than me?........Why you always try to look from the sight of my side?"
I think this is a bug in thought, because if 以左上右下來看 011, 並且把海視為 011..........那麽........可能會覺得淺處有 0,深處多 1,這是從淺處的海岸上看海得到的心得。
這麼一來,011 的右邊就成了遠海,而左邊則成了近海.........Then...海的近處有 0, 海的遠處多 1.......Then.....you might say 海的遠處是多 1 的深海 and 海的近處是有 0 的淺海........
But, the symbol "011" came from the ancient symbol in 易經.....When you look that original symbol as it is painted on a paper and placed on a desk in front of your eyes.....Which is more near from you?......The deeper one?......Right?......So you will find.....海的近處是深海 and 海的遠處是淺海.........Then you might say......海的近處是多 1 的深海 and 海的遠處是有 0 的淺海......
【附圖:《易經》之兌卦 (011) 的卦象,二個「兌卦」相重爲 011011 時即「澤卦」。】
"Why the conclusion was changed after translating?........"
"......Why you built a pool seems like 海的近處深 and 海的遠處淺......?"
"......The pool is smaller than the sea sea,......but this is not a normal pool,......it's connected with sea......for you.....and for me.......I don't know where is the ending shore of the sea,.....but this pool,......near to land.....and near to the sea,......and built on the beach,....... It's not a real sea at all........."
"SEA.....BEACH......REAL........E. Live in there........"
"......And this sea......beach......real,.......too small to you, right?.......This is about words........"
"......A pool of words?........"
".......Not at all..........Because......I'm trying to think what is a pool,........sometimes the words are poor to describe it......"
"I have a sketch for you,......can you imagine?......"
That was a simple section drawing drawn by.............yesterday.....and......what day is today?.......I'm not sure I can totally understand that sketch,......but that section drawing took me to a seaside.......with the clear scene I had ever seen......in my dream?......
【附圖:A section drawing about the relations between the sea and beach and pool and villa house of the first scene in the beginning of The Story of I.E..】
The edge between sea and pool seemed like a wave,.......a peaceful wave,........but not sea wave.....It was a beach wave,.......smooth beach waw......
"............wawawawawawawa.........waw....waw....waw...waw....,,waw.....waw......waw...waw......waw.......waw..waw..waw......wawwawa...........Can you feel that?......不知你以為然否?"
"Do you know what is a wave?......w across.......and become v on earth............"
"Do you mean......water waves move across sea and landing on earth, then become water vave?........"
"Why you modify my word?......That's water babe......Water with life.........Water carry life........"
"I had ever heard......turtle carry life........and landing on the beach......."
Now I almost understand why she picked those small rocks from the sea and put them on the edge of the pool,.......and why I built the pool by rocks and sands and soils and something from the land.

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery
00.1. Mermaid E.
閱讀時間約 9 分鐘
00.2. Time-Space of I.E.
閱讀時間約 13 分鐘
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文言003 蒙人遇虎 出處:《郁離子》    蒙1人衣2狻猊3之皮以適4壙5,虎見之而走6。謂虎畏己也,返而矜7,有大志。明日服8狐裘9而往,復與虎遇。虎立而睨10之。怒其不走也,叱11之,為虎所食。  