Guide to Hong Kong Government Funding

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The Hong Kong Government has repeatedly acknowledged and expressed their commitment to supporting SMEs in Hong Kong. In recent weeks, a lot of attention has been put on the financial support that SMEs are available to SMEs. In this article, we have provided a list of the various Hong Kong government’s financing schemes that we find are applicable towards SMEs.
1. Dedicated Fund on Branding Upgrading and Domestic Sales (“BUD”)
The BUD fund is designed to provide funding support to individual Hong Kong enterprises in undertaking projects to develop brands, upgrade and restructure their business operations and promote sales in the ASEAN market and Mainland China market, so as to enhance their competitiveness and facilitate their business development in the ASEAN and Mainland China market.

Maximum Funding Amount

  • HKD 1,000,000

Financing Type

  • Subsidy
2. SME Export Marketing Fund
The SME Export Marketing Fund aims to provide financial assistance to SMEs who are looking to expand their business by encouraging their participation in export promotion activities. Recently, this scheme has also been expanded to include SMEs participation in virtual exhibitions. However, all export and promotion activities/platforms that are under this funding scope must be organised and operated by groups with a good track record.

Potential applicants may consult with the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department for advice on whether a particular export or promotion activity is covered under the scope of the SME Export Marketing Fund.
Maximum Funding Amount

  • HKD 100,000

Financing Type

  • Subsidy
3. SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (“SFGS”)
SFGS was started by the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited with the intention of helping SMEs and non-listed companies to obtain financing from Hong Kong’s various lenders by acting as the guarantor for potential loans.

The SMEs and non-listed companies who are approved under this scheme must use the assistance to better meet their business needs for the purposes of increasing their company’s productivity and competitiveness.

Maximum Funding Amount

There is no maximum funding amount under this scheme. However, applicants will be subject to heavy approval and vetting and must be able to provide evidence to substantiate the use of the loan.

Financing Type

  • Loan guarantee
4. SME Loan Guarantee Scheme
Under the SME Loan Guarantee Scheme, the Hong Kong government will act as the guarantor for individual SMEs to facilitate the obtainment of loans from participating lending institutions. The difference between this scheme and SFGS is that loans obtained under the SME Loan Guarantee Scheme must be used for the acquisition of business installations and equipment, or for meeting working capital needs of a company’s everyday operations.

The installation and equipment purchased may be located outside of Hong Kong and may also be used for acquiring second-hand installations and equipment. The loan is primarily used for:

  • Machinery
  • Tools
  • Computer software and hardware
  • Communication systems
  • Office equipments
  • Transport facilities
  • Furniture
  • Fixtures

Maximum Funding Amount

  • HKD 6,000,000

Financing Type

As financing is structured as a loan guarantee, the loans obtained must be structured as the following:

  • Business Installations and Equipment loans must be in the form of either a non-revolving loan or a hire purchase agreement
  • Working capital loans must be in the form of a non-revolving loan
5. Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund (“TSF”)
TSF provides financial support to non-profit-distributing organisations to implement projects which aim at enhancing the competitiveness of non-listed Hong Kong enterprises in general or in specific sectors.

Funding scope extends to all projects (except activities which are or will be in receipt of other Government funding support) that will enhance the competitiveness of non-listed Hong Kong enterprises.

Maximum Funding Amount

  • HKD 5,000,000

Financing Type

  • Grant
6. Microfinance Scheme
This scheme is a collaboration between the Hong Kong Government, several Hong Kong banks and various non-government organisations. The aim is to provide assistance to assist people who wish to start a business, become self-employed or achieve self-enhancement through training, upgrading of skills or obtaining professional certification.

Maximum Funding Amount:

  • HKD 300,000

Funding Type

  • Loan
7. Distance Business Programme (“D-Biz”)
The Innovation and Technology Commission has launched this initiative as a response to the new trend of remote working during COVID-19. This initiative aims to support and encourage companies to embrace a remote working business model.

D-Biz will not only cover the relevant training expenses for employees in their transition to remote working, but will also help fund the adoption of various IT solutions, such as the adoption of digital payments, cloud-based financial management systems and virtual team management and communication tools.

Maximum Funding Amount:

  • HKD 300,000

Funding Type

  • Subsidy
Financing is always a topic of interest for SMEs and we at FastLane support the Hong Kong Government’s dedication to helping Hong Kong businesses in this aspect. As there are many more financing schemes available, please stay tuned for further insights!
FastLane has extensive experience assisting SMEs. Whether you require accounting, audit, company secretarial or HR assistance, please contact us for a quote!

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JP Morgan _ Guide to markets Q4 '22 Report,總共71頁。 我從中也看到一些不錯的投資機會,對於平衡性布局來看不是太差的選項,反而表現會更為穩健,也會貼近想要的報酬率。 如果你的資金Base不夠大,要投資還是股市就好 如果你的資金規模大到一定的程度,從該份報告
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About TOEFL iBT:   The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The entire test is about four hours long, and a
芬蘭自由行 | 芬蘭是北歐五國之一,以冰天雪地為名,為了闊別疫情的鬱悶,我們決定飛越半個地球,拜訪香港沒有的雪。
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身為吉卜力資深影迷,看見這本由英國人撰寫的解析書,真的是非常好奇,因為評論這玩意,是與作者、評論者跟讀者三分背景的相關性非常高,基本上你找不到一個可以全球通用的評論,除非你寫非常的一般論,不然一定會因為某一方背景或文化上的差異,造成不同的解讀切入。 當然,文化也有強勢弱勢之別、流行與非主流的差異,所
《能量清理Modern Guide to Energy Clearing》 🔖本書序言摘錄: 精通能量管理最主要的目標是:不受任何會束縛你自由意志,並導致你違背理念行事的事物阻礙。 最有智慧的老師不會要求你一味地接受他們的教導,而是會引導你邁向自己心智的門檻。 我們照顧自己,是為了變得更強大、更自
JP Morgan _ Guide to markets Q4 '22 Report,總共71頁。 我從中也看到一些不錯的投資機會,對於平衡性布局來看不是太差的選項,反而表現會更為穩健,也會貼近想要的報酬率。 如果你的資金Base不夠大,要投資還是股市就好 如果你的資金規模大到一定的程度,從該份報告
九歲作者那年看了伯茲·艾德林(Buzz Aldrin)和阿姆斯壯(NeilArmstrong)第一次登上月球的轉播,播下了成為太空人的種子。曾上過太空三次,太空漫步一次,擔任國際太空站(簡稱ISS)指揮官時長六個月。
About TOEFL iBT:   The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The entire test is about four hours long, and a