Leaves, as the mountains. Yellow flowers, as the mist/clouds dance at the stage of the mountain, in a cloudy/rainy day. After raining, all get clean. Flowers, well prepared, fly lightly. Pleasantly Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 陣雨後, 潔淨了身; 清新了心.涼爽天, 微風吹; 翩然起舞了.近日, 遊了山; 相遇山岳壯美, 雨前雲朵厚實, 雨後雲海山嵐. 廣大深遠自然中, 人益顯渺小; 量力而為, 精實自我, 規律著;順勢而起, 隨遇而安, 自在地. 旅途遇這花漾, 輕快記錄心境.