22_fOOd_W052421_Itinerary& 行程

2021/05/28閱讀時間約 7 分鐘
( The Final Lesson/The Last Suit/My Mother(Mia Madre)& 最後一堂課/這趟旅程使命必達/媽媽教我愛的一切)_Love365/GOOGLEblogger & Facebook & Vocus方格子

Understood, everything;
Determined, to free up the soul.
Speak gently, communicate cautiously,
Think positively, act bravely, move smoothly.
Impressed that,
The shining atmosphere takes the main portion, composed by various senses where the aged/kid take action get the dream come true to meet the beloved, elegant and stylish dress, sweetly smiling and freely laughing.
What a meaningful lesson, taught by a real person!
So delicately edited/directed the movie, telling the true story, in a considerate way. ( Thought: The Final Lesson)

What a fighter! Survived from the misery, keep living while the sadness of losing the dearest family has almost taken away his soul, cherish and protect his body/buddy as possible as he could.
How important the sense of humor! Making us calmly face the situation, get the idea, and have the happy ending accordingly. ( Thought: The Last Suit)

Sensibility, what a treasure, to the human being.
Fully driven by the rational, pls. don’t. It’s clear that we’re not machines.
Link between the right/left brain and the sensuous/rational, got any?
Noted from DAUGHTER, that being overloaded by working, will kick out the sensuous away. While the rational takes over, you don’t and couldn’t think anymore.
Moved by the SON, who has exerted his power, for his dearest mother,
Through the message from his eyes/gesture, determining to quit from working, accompanying each other to accomplish this journey in more touching way. ( Thought: My Mother)

3 Movies spoken in French/Spanish/Italian, inviting us to join the meaningful trip of life, of 3 respectful aged persons. It’s clear that the purpose of the movies, and the expectation of the characters, wanna the audience to cherish/keep the kindness/optimistic, and to deal with everything naturally. Take good care of our bodies, keeping the strength of the eyes and the body as good as possible. Get even great us, by correctly living/exercising/resting.

眼神, 靈魂之窗; #1阿嬤, 樂觀, #2阿公, 積極, #3兒子, 堅定; 清楚表露.
肢體, 靈魂展現; #1女兒, 熱情, #2老友, 善良, #3女兒, 茫然; 明白傳達.
三片製於, 歐洲南美; 跟著前輩, 走過歲月, 經歷境遇; 體會人生, 聆聽心聲.
藉著觀賞, 電影良品, 增腦內視, 廣大視野; 觀看時候, 中距聚焦, 練練眼肌;
眼力肌力, 維持不易; 身體夥伴, 請多愛惜. 延續良善, 傳承美好, 分享熱情.

身體狀況, 心知肚明; 活動自如, 生活首要; 困住了, 煎熬般; 決定了, 要自由.
明亮取景, 輕快樂音; 如慈母般, 細心安撫, 上課中, 孩子們; 用樂觀, 面對這.
每位演員, 我都好愛; 樂觀表情, 精確用語, 微笑地, 討論著; 輕鬆地, 明快地.
像月亮般, 偉大母親; 溫暖吾心, 照耀我家. 跌倒了, 她扶持; 難過了, 她鼓勵.
二三年級, 超讚母親, 好大挑戰; 生活物資, 不足的, 艱難些; 好勇敢, 她度過.
她喜愛的, 一定準備, 貼心的;
她的夢想, 一起實踐. 給力的;
疼惜著, 這至親;
珍愛著, 這恩情. ( 心得: 最後一堂課)

生命勇士, 堅毅不撓; 時代悲劇, 親身經歷; 心中痛楚, 用愛撫慰.
痛失手足, 椎心之痛, 歷歷在目; 心中願望, 友愛心中, 勇敢實現.
歷史事件, 重點交代, 點到為止; 正向有禮, 幽默風趣, 一以貫之.
影像紀錄, 分寸拿捏, 精確效率; 淡釋悲戚, 輕快樂曲, 美好風氣. ( 心得: 這旅程使命必達)

右腦左腦, 感性理性? 右手左腦, 左手右腦, 相互關聯? 研讀自己, 找到答案.
感性力量, 不容小覷, 感受體會, 溫柔無敵! 理性佔版, 大可不必, 人非機器!
適度適量, 休憩得宜; 壓力利弊, 明白這吧! 清新活力, 自在活動; 快樂生活! ( 心得: 媽媽教我愛的一切)

Pps. Outdoors AND Indoors:
透透氣囉, 外出走走. 計畫逛逛, 圖書館們;
映入眼簾, 心之所向, 類伴手禮, 回家享用; 通閱便利.
週邊鮮境, 順路走走, 如此旅遊, 也是一種.

Ppps. fOOd:
食糧種類, 千樣萬種; 吃些什麼, 細心謹慎, 自己掌握;
變成如何? 就, 順其自然! ~ @@HAVE A NICE DAY!! Sincerely Yours, ~ Love365**
    Share what I got, from the NATURE. ~ 隨遇而拍, 順心飛翔, 提筆如意. Ps. Movies I Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtmDGNyd1s9YWm_PPF7jrYXZZQI6mhFwh