( Lula希望大道& Hearts Beat Loud怦然心動的節拍& Tuesdays with Morrie最後14堂星期二的課) Persist in what we love. Insist on what make us stronger. Stick on the positive point of view. Continue the travelling optimistically.
Protect the weak/aged, as possible as we could. In, the place correctly chosen. And in, when the timing is right. In further, when the right persons join. Spend the time wisely, for showing how much we appreciate being good. Courage, collected. Ensure it’s sufficient, for protecting the ones who love you from the bottom of their hearts and spend almost the golden years accompanying you. Ensure it’s great, for you to bravely speak and act to them, to show how much you appreciate and cherish them. Powerfully Yours, ~ Love365**