Give approaches to work on the canine's prote

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Give approaches to work on the canine's protection from cutting nails
It tends to be done in a bit by bit way:
1. Begin giving snacks from before you hold it or go to the magnificence station. This activity should be accomplished for a few successive days;
2. After no dismissal, contact the toes with your hands and give snacks. This activity should be accomplished for a few successive days;
3. Pull up the front foot, give snacks on the off chance that you don't avoid, and get back to the past activity to keep rehearsing in the event that you stand up to;
4. Get scissors before the canine, give bites, and rehash this activity for a couple of days;
5. Close the scissors to the toes (don't contact), give bites, and rehash this activity for a couple of days;
6. The scissors contact the toes or nails delicately, give snacks, on the off chance that you oppose, get back to the past activity and keep rehearsing;
7. At the point when the canine doesn't avoid in the last move, and will step up and lift the foot near the scissors, you can gradually cut a little fingernail and give snacks;
8. After the last activity goes on for a couple of days, you can cut your nails typically, however you actually need to give a positive award;
9. Survive and complete the difficult errand of fearing cutting nails.
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