{English#02} The meaning of kitsuke

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( From this passage now on, the word ‘Wafuku’ will be used to refer to all the traditional Japanese clothing, while ‘kimono’ will be used to specify ‘nagagi’, a type of Japanese traditional clothing in which it is long till the ankle. If you have any doubts, you are welcome to check my previous English passage.)
To know more, please feel free to check this :
Hi, everybody! I am Clearwater(清水)! Is there anyone who have dressed in a kimono before when you travel to Japan? If you do, do you remember there is always a person standing next to you to help you dress your kimono? Even though you don’t have such an experience, it’s totally fine. Because I am here to introduce this person to you!
The person wearing in black is kitsukeshi ( source: Photoac)
This person, who always stands next to you, helping you to dress your kimono up is called kitsukeshi( Japanese: 着付師/着付け師,Romaji: Kitsukeshi). Kitsukeshi is an expert who knows the skills of ‘kitsuke’. They understand the knowledge and hold the actual skills of ‘jisou’ and ‘tasou’. Kitsukeshi normally appears when someone needs to wear a kimono. Due to this, they normally work at places that are related to the kimono, such as gofukuyan or in the photo studio. Some will also open their own kitsuke school to teach people the art and actual skills of ‘jisou’ nd ‘tasou’, letting more people know how to wear kimonos by themselves or acquire the skills of helping others to wear them.

So actually, what are ‘kitsuke’, ‘jisou’ and ‘tasou’?
Maybe you already have some thoughts on it.
Kitsuke ( Japanese:着付け,Romaji: Kitsuke)
The act of dressing a kimono is called kitsuke. Whether you dress a kimono up by yourself or help others to dress it, both are referred to as ‘kitsuke’.
Jisou ( Japanese: 自装 , Romaji: Jisou)
The way you dress a kimono by yourself.
Tasou( Japanese:他装,Romaji:Ta sou)
The way you dress a kimono for others.
Jisou (Source: photoac)
Tasou ( Source: photoac)
Do Japanese wear kimonos normally?
Actually even if Japanese, they might not know how to wear a kimono or even like to wear it. However, there are still some of them who enjoy wearing kimono as daily clothing. There are still a majority who want to wear it , but lack the basic knowledge of kimono. Based on such reason, they need to go to the kitsuke school to learn kitsuke, in order to dress in kimono everyday.
When to jisou and tasou?
Normal people, who don’t know how to dress themselves up, will find kitsukeshi for help. People who like to wear kimonos normally know how to jisou, so they just dress themselves up when they need to hang out in informal situations. Yet, if it is in formal situations, such as a wedding ceremony, seijinshiki ( a coming of age ceremony in Japan, celebrating all the young teenagers of 20 turning into an adult in Japan), or photo shooting, you are advised to look for a kitsukeshi. In Japan, the Japanese will consider TPO ( T=Time, P=Place, O= Occasion) to choose what to wear for any occasion. Kimono is also divided into different ‘gaku’, kimono’s dressing occasion categories. Japanese really have a lot of strict rules on manners. As a foreigner, you might not have ideas on Japanese manners. In such a situation, you can ask a kitsukeshi to give you advice and knowledge on TPO, gaku, and Japanese manners. Kitsukeshi helps you to dress your kimono properly, make sure there are no creases on it.

The learning sequence

Learn jisou first and tasou the second.
Is it easy to learn jisou?
Well, I can only say, if you’re gonna try, you can succeed. Japanese in the old days wore kimono every day as daily clothing. So, if you try, I believe you can make it!
Is it easy to learn tasou?
I can only say, it is easy to learn but takes time to master. Knowing how to dress by yourself well doesn’t mean you know how to dress others up properly. You can dress yourself up well, maybe just because you are used to jisou and know what kind of kimono suits you. Still, when helping with others, you need to have more knowledge on kimono, such as choosing the proper kimono for others to wear based on their skin colour, age group, body, and preference. These are knowledgeable intelligence kitsukeshi need to gain through oncoming study and through their experience.
Where can I learn kitsuke?
Just as I have mentioned before, people who would like to learn ‘kitsuke’ can go to the kitsuke school to learn the skill. If you understand Japanese, you can just go to Youtube and search ‘kitsuke’, then you can see a lot of results.
Nonetheless, I still recommend everyone to go to kitsuke school to learn their skills. Even if you can learn jisou for free on Youtube, you might face obstacles when learning it. At this point, Kitsukeshi, as a teacher, can guide you.

Japanese Kimono Terminology for today

Kitsukeshi ( Japanese: 着付師/着付け師,Romaji: Kitsukeshi)
Experts who know the art and skills of wearing kimonos by themselves and for others.
Kitsuke school ( Japanese: 着付け教室,Romaji: Kitsuke kyoushitsu)
School where you can learn kitsuke, normally held by kitsukeshi.
Kitsuke ( Japanese:着付け,Romaji: Kitsuke)
The act of dressing a kimono is called kitsuke. Whether you dress a kimono up by yourself or help others to dress it, both are referred to as ‘kitsuke’.
Jisou ( Japanese: 自装 , Romaji: Jisou)
The way you dress a kimono by yourself.
Tasou( Japanese:他装,Romaji:Tasou)
The way you dress a kimono for others.
Thanks for reading!
由零開始學懂日本和服着物的基本知識。 即使不懂日語,不懂日本文化或不穿和服着物的人也能理解日本和服着物(除非唔係) 本社志力盡量推廣着物。盡自己能力盡快更新。

Hi, everybody! I am Clearwater (清水)!For most of the foreigners, Kimono is one of the cultural symbol of Japan. Even though you haven’t visited Japan
不知大家到日本旅行時,有沒有到日本穿過和服或着物的經驗呢?如果有的話 ,你還記得你穿着物或和服時總是有個人在你身旁幫你穿著嗎?就算沒有這樣的經驗,也不要緊!因為我今天就是來介紹這個人和相關的知識給你們哦!
大家好,我是清水!今天是想跟大家說一些日本和服着物Kimono用語。我喜歡和服👘。不!還是應該説是着物呢? 啊!!究竟應該說甚麼?說到底究竟代表什麼?究竟代表什麼?
Hi, everybody! I am Clearwater (清水)!For most of the foreigners, Kimono is one of the cultural symbol of Japan. Even though you haven’t visited Japan
不知大家到日本旅行時,有沒有到日本穿過和服或着物的經驗呢?如果有的話 ,你還記得你穿着物或和服時總是有個人在你身旁幫你穿著嗎?就算沒有這樣的經驗,也不要緊!因為我今天就是來介紹這個人和相關的知識給你們哦!
大家好,我是清水!今天是想跟大家說一些日本和服着物Kimono用語。我喜歡和服👘。不!還是應該説是着物呢? 啊!!究竟應該說甚麼?說到底究竟代表什麼?究竟代表什麼?
Google News 追蹤
島津跟著三名浴衣女子, 一同來到村長家, 參與眾人共同舉辦的《濁酒祭》。
壽衣是親人過世後,在入殮時身上所穿的衣服,壽衣可以依照往生者或是家屬的喜好挑選。但是要注意,不是每一件衣服都適合當作壽衣。那壽衣材質跟款式該如何選擇呢?壽衣需要準備幾件?挑選壽衣有什麼需要注意的嗎? 壽衣在習俗上是誰來買? 在傳統習俗裡,處理殯葬事宜會由兒子負責,壽衣則由女兒負責,若是有好幾個女
一般三法衣是指出家人的三種袈裟,袈裟又稱解脫服、福田衣。發心出家求解脫的行者,身被袈裟,安然無畏,不為外道邪魔所擾,非白衣居士所能披,故稱解脫服。擷取自:《佛王誓約─虛空法心意伏藏甚深耳傳極樂淨土修持法〈法義教授〉》The great vow of Amitabha / 尊貴 龍德嚴淨仁波切 著©
日本和服新時尚,結合日本傳統與歐式古典的蕾絲和服在日本非常受歡迎。璃光著物レンタル Riko kimono, 。專營高級蕾絲和服套餐,價格合理。我們親身體驗的日本京都和服租借資訊。店家有中文服務,提供官網預訂服務。建議提早預訂和選擇款式。穿著過程和著裝技巧。
京都第三天,預訂Klook 的和服體驗,台幣500多元,便宜到有點懷疑品質 早上起床,搭公車到清水寺附近的和服出租店,這店在巷弄的民宅二樓 進門是小小的工作室,櫃檯是兩位可愛的台灣小女生,來日本打工度假 一開始先讓我們挑和服花色 因為我們預訂費用低,能挑的比較少,如果喜歡高級一點的,需要再加
島津跟著三名浴衣女子, 一同來到村長家, 參與眾人共同舉辦的《濁酒祭》。
壽衣是親人過世後,在入殮時身上所穿的衣服,壽衣可以依照往生者或是家屬的喜好挑選。但是要注意,不是每一件衣服都適合當作壽衣。那壽衣材質跟款式該如何選擇呢?壽衣需要準備幾件?挑選壽衣有什麼需要注意的嗎? 壽衣在習俗上是誰來買? 在傳統習俗裡,處理殯葬事宜會由兒子負責,壽衣則由女兒負責,若是有好幾個女
一般三法衣是指出家人的三種袈裟,袈裟又稱解脫服、福田衣。發心出家求解脫的行者,身被袈裟,安然無畏,不為外道邪魔所擾,非白衣居士所能披,故稱解脫服。擷取自:《佛王誓約─虛空法心意伏藏甚深耳傳極樂淨土修持法〈法義教授〉》The great vow of Amitabha / 尊貴 龍德嚴淨仁波切 著©
日本和服新時尚,結合日本傳統與歐式古典的蕾絲和服在日本非常受歡迎。璃光著物レンタル Riko kimono, 。專營高級蕾絲和服套餐,價格合理。我們親身體驗的日本京都和服租借資訊。店家有中文服務,提供官網預訂服務。建議提早預訂和選擇款式。穿著過程和著裝技巧。
京都第三天,預訂Klook 的和服體驗,台幣500多元,便宜到有點懷疑品質 早上起床,搭公車到清水寺附近的和服出租店,這店在巷弄的民宅二樓 進門是小小的工作室,櫃檯是兩位可愛的台灣小女生,來日本打工度假 一開始先讓我們挑和服花色 因為我們預訂費用低,能挑的比較少,如果喜歡高級一點的,需要再加