Checklist for selecting media player and CMS

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It’s a vast industry; for each of the devices, pricing, functions, software/hardware spec all vary a lot. These are things I would take note of when inspecting a new product.
For those who are new to this, I’ve included some simple info and goals I look at in Things to look at when employing a digital signage solution.
I would be glad to see others’ checklist and learn too.
Media player
  • Weight and Dimension
  • Processing performance: CPU/processor determines the content loading speed. It becomes important when the content is highly based on streaming, web feeds, or flash rather than just photos and videos.
  • O/S: most common ones are Linux, Windows, and Android. They all have their strengths and weaknesses.
Windows is widely-used and powerful, but it could be expensive and hard to handle. Android, on the other hand, is competitive in pricing and is rising up over the past few years. Linux is stable and less likely to be mass attacked.
  • Storage: HDD/SSD. There are plenty of comparisons on the Internet for the two. Simply put, HDD might cost less, but SSD has higher performance and has become more affordable now.
  • Video output ports: HDMI, VGA, or DP. Check if that goes with your screen, or if you need a converter. Some player supports multiple outputs, and if you have more than one display, you might find them more cost-effective.
  • Network connectivity: if it can be connected to Ethernet, wifi, or 3G/4G network.
Content Management Software
You could choose to host your system or acquire a cloud solution. Hosting your system is definitely more cost-effective and gives you more control. It is also safer as all files and data are managed through your own network and device. But IT people need to learn and get accustomed to the system.
The service of cloud system providers differs. Some just offer a platform, and some managers and even design the contents for their clients. IT won’t have to learn and maintain the system, and instead, you pay a service charge each month for the system provider.
Also note that, if all data are stored in the cloud, issues will occur when the connection fails.
Now, get to my checklist for Content Management System.
  • Update contents and manage them in files
  • Play the contents updated smoothly
  • Daily/weekly/monthly/annual schedule
  • Playlist creation and management
Remote management and easy update procedure save a lot of time and effort. Send the information at the right time also boost the effectiveness of the advertisement. Cayin has a nicely-written article for this.

For now, I was just exploring the basics. Some advanced functions could be:
  • Template design/target content on specific zones
  • Interactivity (with touch screen/mobile phone/face detection/etc)
  • Automatic content change based on location (this is rather an for transportation application)
  • Retrieve and integrate external data (RSS feeds, HTML, web page, social media, weather forecast, live stream, etc)
These are things I could think of for standalone operation. Of course, if you’re working on a large-scale project, you might need those functions for your CMS as well:
  • Managing role access control: for example, accounts under group A can only access-group A’s folder and digital signage content. Manager of groups A, B, C can get access to three groups of folders and content.
  • Content synchronization: for example, let screen A and C play the same content, and screen B and D play another playlist.
  • Back-up system to prevent the accident from the main system
  • Fail-over report and email alert notification if there’s an accident on the display system
  • Connection check dashboard
  • Proof-of-play record and report
That’s pretty much what I would like to share! You may integrate the media player hardware and the software on your own, or purchase simply a bundled one to avoid compatibility issues.
Thanks for reading! Good luck with your business and project.
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Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
在這高速發展的時代,產品管理變得比以往任何時候都來得重要。如何在激烈的市場競爭中保持步伐,不僅要有清晰的目標,更需要一套精準的執行方法。而「Checklist」作為一種高效的工具,正助力無數的PM/Sales在這條路上穩健前行。 英國哲學家兼科學家Francis Bacon在遠離現代文明以前說
現在還在思考移民英國與否,尤其是一個人或二人情侣想去英國,可以參考本人在英國一年,如果讓我回頭再來一次,會如何準備,特別是金錢的部分。  如果你揸住幾百萬又賣左樓呢篇文章未必啱你,呢度係慳小錢而已。 Disclaimer:內容有價,有 Affiliate Link,跟下面方法做,一個人大概節省
對於任何認真的投資者來說,使用投資清單來挑選股票是必不可少的工具。它有助於確保您根據一套全面的標準做出明智的決策,而不是依賴您的直覺或情緒。 許多著名的投資者,包括沃巴菲特,都有一套他們遵循的原則,他們在評估潛在投資時將其用作清單。通過使用投資清單,您可以確保考慮所有相關因素,包括公司的財務狀況、
找工作的時候,一份厲害的履歷就像是你的敲門磚,可以吸引 HR 和 Hiring manager 的目光,讓你從眾多應徵者中脫穎而出。這個標題寫最最最基本的履歷,事實上當你在業界行走一段時間,履歷說真的沒有佔那麼大的比例,但在 Q 姐沒人脈時,也是沒有靠內投,純靠著履歷取得 FANNG 的面試機會。
穿上婚紗,是每個女孩從小到大的夢想!不管現在再怎麼從簡,大型婚宴宴客可以不辦,但拍婚紗照倒是不可省略,是一種紀念人生故事中的轉變。所以婚紗照是為了留下這最美的時刻,白髮蒼蒼的回味。 那在預備拍攝婚紗照之前,又有甚麼事情是需要特別注意的呢? 新北婚紗攝影-OKOH精選婚紗攝影外拍注意事項給準新人知
** 3C機構設計爸版權所有 ** 1.產品外觀檢查 1-1.出貨前的樣品外觀如有刮傷,必須修復,如無法修復,必須事先告知客戶或更換樣品。 1-2.出貨前的樣品外觀如有間隙或段差問題,必須修復,如無法修復,必須事先告知客戶或更換樣品。 2.結構及穩定性檢查 3.使用操作性檢查 5.文件檢查