2) Write an HTML page that you’d like to show on your audience’s mobile.
3) Consult the vendor on how their system trigger content (by HTTP command or other ways)
4) Implement your digital signage hardware and software
In this way, the audience won’t have to touch the screen; they interact through their mobile.
\nFacial Detection
\nFacial detection could be used for counting views and analyzing your audience demographics (gender & age for example). To be interactive, the playlist content could be triggered according to the viewers.
\nThere are multiple ways to work the solution out. Generally, you’d need a camera, a facial detection software, and hardware (sometimes bundled, sometimes not), a digital signage system (media player, software and monitor), and content. Here I use Cayin’s system structure diagram to illustrate this set-up.
\nThe camera could be IP cam/USB Cam. After capturing the face, it sends a signal to the facial detection devices (NAS here). The facial detection system analyzes the face’s gender, age, etc, and sends data to the digital signage system (SMP player here). The digital signage system then triggers content designed according to the audience, and play it on display.
\nAnyways, let’s hope we could get over this very soon. There is certainly plenty of other excellent technology that can be integrated into digital signage and advertising, and we can’t wait to explore more in this prosperous industry.
\nWish you all good health and best luck!
\nFor any sales inquiry or partnership discussion, (or just to talk and make friends!) please contact me by nillachen@cayintech.com, or message me on linkedin. I’d be glad to know people from tech, marketing, writing, and any other sector.
\nOriginally published at https://www.linkedin.com.
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