
2022/03/06閱讀時間約 23 分鐘
【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
他們只想要你的注意力而不是別的,他們通常希望你按照他們的期望來關注,如果你不給他們,他們就會帶走他們的能量!他們說:「見鬼去吧。」所以你成為他們的奴隸,並為此苦惱。那樣的生活真是太可悲了。因此,這需要非常非常深刻的承諾。你把自己埋在該知識中。這些是我唯一的學生,他們被允許如此專注於知識,以至於他們沒有生活在真理中。因為它會來,它會來。但是,他們必須非常非常非常地瞭解知識。因為那個邏輯真相會逐層,逐層,逐層地解決,直到時間到了。它會出現。確實如此。但重要的是掌握。還有問題,問題。 知道如何提問,這是導能者的偉大目標。這就是他們真正的力量所在。

The real power of a Projector.
Be of service Projectors are designed to see the need and potential of every generator. They're here to be of service to the generator. This what they’re here for. They're the ones that are here to ask the question. They're the ones that are here to make the invitation. They're the ones who get the generator to respond. And of course you want something in return. Quid pro quo. It's the way it goes.
This is the potential honesty because of course after all that relationship is a relationship, they can only operate through respect. It’s one of things that I've tried to teach projectors. Learn to ask questions. It’s Socratic, it's so beautiful intellectually if you grasp it. There is nothing more profound than a good question. I mean I love good questions! When you think about the generator session, generators asking each other questions. How profound that is. How powerful that is. How amazing that is. And yet most generators are very insecure about what questions to ask somebody. Projectors are natural! Because they’re actually designed not to ask you questions that don't matter. They’re here to recognize you. And they recognize you in a way that nobody else can, it's why we are so uncomfortable with the notself projector.
The notself projector it just goes right in and burrows in, it could be so uncomfortable. And when they're not correct, it's very uncomfortable. Do you pose Questions? But when they are, when you need them, they're the ones that go inside you! They're the ones that go right to your identity.
They put their little auric fist, right around your monopole. I just hold on like this and I say: I got you, I got you, I got you, I got you and I know who you are. And they go through this process where in that whole auric movement are all these little investigative things going on. They’re sucking up all the data, they're taking it all in. And you see if there right, if they're correct, the question that they can then ask, is a question that is worthy for the generator to respond to, one way or another.
It's not about, don't misunderstand what I'm saying, it is, you know, it's not that the projector will always ask the right question, in terms of the answers is always yes. Sometimes the right question brings no. So it should. It is simply about knowing what questions to ask.
See if you’re a projector, you want to have a great experiment with people. And really, have a trip with them. Whenever they talk to you, only ask them a question in return. No, I know, it's quite an experiment. It takes incredible discipline. And you really have to be sharp. But it's wonderful. And you'll notice right away which people are annoying. And the ones that are annoyed, you scratch them out of your little book. Okay? Because they don't want you to be a projector. They just want your attention. Nothing else.
See projectors are humanity’s teddy bears. They are. It's the I-havesomebody- who-pays-attention-to-me. I mean, if you're bored or lonely, invite a projector to lunch. You'll feel like a king or queen for the day. They're going to give you all that attention, they're going to focus on you, it’s gonna feel terrific, you will feel wonderful. It’s why projectors are used and abused. If you’re projector and you try to get a divorce. Ha, ha, good luck! What a battle that's gonna be. You see even if your partner hates your guts, I mean, even if they despise the very ground you walk on, the hardest thing in the world for them to do is give up that attention. It's hard to do!
You see we have mutual addictions in the not-self. The projector that is addicted to plugging in with the person who is addicted to having the attention. And the one is addicted to having the attention wants the attention because it makes them feel like somebody likes them, loves them, thinks they’re worthy. Thinks that are important. Even if it's not true. They hold onto it. So projectors get lost in that whole movie. They lose both ways. It's a lose, lose situation for them.
It’s about the Knowledge. It's all about the knowledge. It's very, very detailed. A projector has to go very deep. They have to go deeper than anybody else, they have to learn things that really don't even matter to other people. They need to understand it all. It's what gives them their power. They get their energy from knowledge. It’s different. They don't thrive on the natural source of energy. Is their knowledge that gives them access to the right energy or not, or not. And so when you enter into the projector’s process, you enter into a real journey!
I say over and over again, my dilemma with having to introduce this knowledge to adults. Because I empathise deeply with projectors, I do. It's not the instant gratification of a generator. It isn't, it’s different. It takes a different approach. A long-term approach, a different view. But it takes a real dedication to the knowledge.
It's not so easy in that sense for projectors, to have the moment by moment gratification. And success for them is as they gain awareness concept by concept by concept. It's this grasping of how things work, that gives the projector its power. And each time they grasp how something works, it gets integrated deeper and deeper into this very, very analytical system. The Masters of looking at the world. And they're all wearing these masks so they cannot see. And it comes back as always, to understanding something. Strategy is a secondary thing for the projector. But authority is always there for them. And to learn, to trust that authority!
Because in the beginning, it's the only thing, that protects them from the wrong other! When you begin your process in human design as a projector, you have people in your life. It’s normal and of course those people in your life, they’re a problem for you. They are. They hold you to all that conditioning. They expect you to be, the way they expect you to be. The way you have been. They don't want you probing them.
They just want your attention and nothing else and they normally want your attention on their terms and if you don't give it to them, they take their energy away! They say: “the hell with you”. So you become enslaved to them and bitter about it on top of it. It can be so sad, that kind of life. So it takes a very, very deep commitment. You bury yourself in the knowledge. These are the only students of mine, that are allowed to get so absorbed in the knowledge, that they don't live the truth. Cause that’ll come, it'll come. But they have to get very, very, very absorbed in the knowledge. Because that logical truth settles in layer, by layer, by layer, by layer until it's time. It emerges. It does. But it's the mastery that matters. And the questions, the questions. To know how to ask a question, this is the great goal of a projector. Here is where their real power is.
自學自修實踐及分享 Human Design 人類設計/人設圖/人類圖。