
2022/03/25閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
The dawn beneath ripples
遠處嚴寒的北方 正經歷烏雲密佈的動盪
曾經血緣的兄弟 在世人眼前上演著鬩牆
神所應許的肥沃米糧 此刻已被仇恨遺忘
各懷他意的街頭鄰坊 只能在旁觀棋擦掌
白藍紅的聯邦 被掩飾的狂妄
自由的藍與黃 被侵犯的徬徨
烽火中的人民 哭泣哀傷的臉龐
願上帝公義的右手 為你伸張
漣漪下的黎明 黑暗透出的光亮
盼基督憐憫的翅膀 捎來希望
The far and frozen north, are experiencing the disturbance with heavy cloud
Brothers who were originated from blood and genes, fight against each other in front of the world
The fertile grains God has blessed, was already forgotten behind the hatreds
Neighbors who were with their own considerations, just stand aside and watch what is happening
The white, blue and red painted federation, is covering his arrogance
Moving forward step by step then driving the tension to full string
The blue and yellow engraved liberty, the terrified dismay under invasion
Cautiously protect this national pain which can't lose
The people in flames of war, the crying and sad faces
May God stands up to the enermy for you with his righteous right hand
The dawn beneath ripples, the bright light penetrating from darkness
Wish Jesus Christ brings you hope with his merciful wings
    安德魯(Andrew),自從無名小站關閉之後就沒再發表過文章,希望重新在這方格之地,再次分享生活 攝影:風景,生態,人文 登山:北大武,合歡群峰,郡大山,奇萊南華,里龍山,大凍山,旗靈縱走 旅遊:泰,印,孟,土耳其,德,奧,法,摩納哥,荷比盧,西班牙,葡萄牙,瑞士,澳洲,香港 理財:台股,ETF