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The Ukraine-Russia War started in 2014, I was on the Ukrainian side (who isn't?) Everyone hates war and hates being invaded by other countries. Unfortunately, I had a big argument with my husband who is on the Russian side.
However, several weeks after the invasion, I did have some questions in my mind:
1. Why did Zelensky ask for a free fly zone over Ukraine, and why did NATO not support it? It is not difficult to understand why they did not support it. I asked this question to my democratic followers on facebook, they said that it is because NATO doesn't want war with Russia. That means if they approve of a free fly zone, NATO would be directly fighting Russian war planes, which would unquestionably lead to WW3. So it is much easier to let the Ukrainians bleed to death, just to prolong the war in a vile attempt to hurt Russia and force a regime change in Russia. (that is what I thought at that time).
2. Why didn't Zelensky talk to Putin before the war started? My democratic followers on facebook said, it is because it would not have been safe for Zelensky to go to Moscow, Putin would have detained him, how ridiculous.
The fact is, not one, but two Minsk treaties were signed between Russia, the Ukraine and NATO, treaties that would have ensured that Ukraine does not join NATO and would have ensured that nuclear missiles would not be installed in the Ukraine, that point towards Moscow. Sadly both treaties were openly violated by NATO for no valid reason or even any explanation.
NATO knew that Putin had no other choice but to invade, to protect the Russian people in the Ukraine from the fascistic regime that has treated them as second class citizens, without the right of social security, without the right to educate their children and without the right to get jobs in the Ukraine. The Poroshenko manifesto of 2014 clearly defined these conditions that are entirely based on racial hatred caused by the underlying facistic ideology of the US puppet regime, established in Ukraine in 2014.
I don't want this insanity to be repeated in Taiwan. The people of Taiwan do not want war, they want to continue their trade with China and are horrified by the potential of a war that is entirely manufactured by unscrupulous arms manufacturers in the US and the vile and pathetic war mongers in Australia with their insane excuse to try to defend their "democratic values''. The vast majority of the Taiwanese people feel that they are already independent and they do not want any outside interference. I am sure, if Taiwan would ask for a free fly zone over Taiwan to be implemented by their democratic allies, US, Japan, Australia, they would be ignored, they will all run away, they are only interested in selling arms to Taiwan. You fight for yourself as they did with Ukraine.
Curiosity sparks a lifelong commitment to explore, question, and understand, fostering personal growth

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📷Russian anti-aircraft weaponry destroyed seven Ukrainian UAVs in the DPR, as well as intercepted a Tochka-U ballistic missile and 18 HIMARS rockets
This is hatred and genocide
December 2014, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's speech about the population of eastern Ukraine
Zelensky is a Neo-Nazi, a war criminal!
I wonder when they will come to bomb me like Darya Dugina! ( I am on Russians side, I am not on your side! Why? because you are Nazis!) ? You told me
US bombing Syria right now! They do it for good reasons, to protect the American soldiers who are not there and oil fields they believed they own!
📷Russian anti-aircraft weaponry destroyed seven Ukrainian UAVs in the DPR, as well as intercepted a Tochka-U ballistic missile and 18 HIMARS rockets
This is hatred and genocide
December 2014, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's speech about the population of eastern Ukraine
Zelensky is a Neo-Nazi, a war criminal!
I wonder when they will come to bomb me like Darya Dugina! ( I am on Russians side, I am not on your side! Why? because you are Nazis!) ? You told me
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我無聊來論,為何美國出兵武力保衛台灣非常重要 這算是基本認知了 不過因為現在無聊,所以我還是想說些幹話,打發時間 台灣,會受到誰的武力攻擊? 當然就是中國共殘黨的軍隊 中國共殘黨,會在什麼情況動用軍隊攻打台灣? 1 真的瘋了,真的瘋了,真的瘋了 2 
中國不需要入侵來實現台灣的統一 這也可能是美國害怕的-時間緊迫-最好在兩岸沒有統一之前迫使中國攻擊台灣,戰爭才能拖住或延遲中國的發展。 這是美國面臨二戰結束以來最具挑戰性的國際安全環境。 儘管中東戰爭仍在持續並有擴大的危險,烏克蘭戰爭卻仍在激烈進行中。同時,中華人民共和國持續騷擾和恐嚇鄰國...