
2023/01/09閱讀時間約 10 分鐘
奧賽美術館(Musée d'Orsay) 圖攝 YHCC
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英文裡博物館(museum)一字,源自於希臘文的mouseion,意思是謬斯的居所(place of the muses)。「謬斯」代表一種靈性或力量,堅信能啟發或關照詩人、音樂家、與其他藝術家-或解釋為任何靈感的來源。博物館的存在是為了提供靈感、專事收集、人的關懷、研讀與展示具有恆久價值與樂趣的物件。




Rick Steves' Mona Winks: Self-Guided Tours of Europe's Top Museums (1998)


“I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream.”
- Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)

原文(取自ARTFORM) - an introduction to the visual arts/Duane Preble, Sarah Prele

On Visiting an Art Museum

…or, How to Enjoy Looking at Art Without Being Overwhelmed by Museum Fatigue

Art museums can be mind-expanding or sleepinducing, depending on how you approach them. It is a mistake to enter a museum with the belief that you should like everything you see – or even that you should see everything that is there. Without selective viewing, the visitor to a large museum is likely to come down with a severe case of museum exhaustion.

The English word museum comes from the Greek mouseion, “place of the muses.” “Muse” indicates the spirit or power believed to be capable of inspiring and watching over poets, musicians, and other artists – or any source of inspiration. A museum is for musing, a place devoted to collecting, caring for, studying, and displaying objects of lasting value and interest.

Unfortunately, museum visitors are often overwhelmed by the many rooms full of art and background information. Some may feel that they should have an extensive knowledge of art history before they even enter a museum. Even the entrance to a museum can be a bit intimidating(“Step this way. Serious art. No smiling.”) or it can be inviting and welcoming(“Come on in, Relax. Make yourself comfortable”)

There is a way to enjoy an art museum without experiencing overload. If you were to go to a fine restaurant and try to sample everything on the menu, you would probably get sick. In both restaurants and museums, selection is the key to a positive experience.

It makes sense to approach an art museum the way a seasoned traveler approaches a city for a first visit: Find out what there is to see. In the museum, inquire about the schedule of special shows, then see those exhibitions and outstanding works that interest you. Museums are in the process of rethinking their buildings and collections in order to meet the needs of changing populations and changing values. It is not unusual to find video exhibits, performances of all kinds, and film showings as part of regular museum programming.

If you are visiting without a specific exhibition in mind, follow your interests and instincts. Browsing can be highly rewarding. Zero in on what you feel are the highlights, savoring favorite works and unexpected discoveries.

If you are traveling abroad, you will find Mona Winks to be a useful guide to many of Europe’s top museums. This lighthearted book includes a collection of self-guided tours covering the highlights of some twenty European museums and cultural centers.

Don’t stay too long in a museum. Take breaks. Perhaps there is a garden or café in which you can pause for a rest. The quality of your experience is not measured by the amount of time you spend in the galleries or how many works you see. The most rewarding experiences can come from finding something that “speaks” to you, then sitting and enjoying it in leisurely contemplation.
這裡有畫、有歌、有詩,有關於跨域觀察,體驗藝術人文的細微,目前每週更新親近藝文的內容工具,提供您參考。我是CC/希浠 -- CC是帶著缺的兩個圓圈,是記錄跨域生活使用的符號,靈感取自〈圈兒詞〉宋代女詞人朱淑真一封作弄夫婿的信;希浠是一條載著希望的小溪,盼與您一起/持續交流學習,謝謝您的來訪回饋與關注支持 .♡.