歌譯|伊帕內瑪姑娘 The Girl From Ipanema 🎧

2023/01/07閱讀時間約 4 分鐘
身材高挑 古銅色肌膚 青春 甜美
伊帕內瑪姑娘 搖曳生姿走來
她輕擺地經過 那些身旁的男人啊
每個男人都直呼 「哇~~」

她的腳步曼妙 像舞動森巴
她輕擺地經過 那些身旁的男人啊
每個男人都直呼 「哇~~」

唯獨 他看來十分地憂鬱


身材高挑 古銅色肌膚 青春 甜美
伊帕內瑪姑娘 搖曳生姿走來
她輕擺地經過 他回以微笑
但她沒看到他 就是沒看到他...

《The Girl From Ipanema》Astrud Gilberto (1973)

【note】這首原為葡萄牙文的名曲《Garota de Ipanema》是巴西Bossa Nova音樂之父Antanio Carlos Jobim所作,後來由美國作詞家Norman Gimbel填上部份英文歌詞,甜美女聲Astrud gilberto一起合作在美國發行,成了目前走紅的《The Girl From Ipanema》。

Olha que coisa mais linda
Mais cheia de graça
É ela menina
Que vem e que passa
Num doce balanço, a caminho do mar
Moça do corpo dourado
Do sol de Ipanema
O seu balançado é mais que um poema
É a coisa mais linda que eu já vi passar
Ah, porque estou tão sozinho
Ah, porque tudo é tão triste
Ah, a beleza que existe
A beleza que não é só minha
Que também passa sozinha
Ah se ela soubesse
Que quando ela passa
O mundo sorrindo
Se enche de graça
E fica mais lindo
Por causa de amor
Tall and tan and young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes
Each one she passes goes, "Ah"
When she walks, she's like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gently
That when she passes
Each one she passes goes, "Ah"
Oh, but he watches her so sadly
How can he tell her he loves her?
Yes, he would give his heart gladly
But each day, when she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead, not at he
Tall, and tan, and young, and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes, he smiles
But she doesn't see
Oh, but he sees her so sadly
How can he tell her he loves her?
Yes, he would give his heart gladly
But each day, when she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead, not at him
Tall, and tan, and young, and lovely
The girl from Ipanema goes walking
And when she passes, he smiles
But she doesn't see
She just doesn't see
No, she doesn't see
But she doesn't see
She doesn't see
No, she doesn't see
這裡有畫、有歌、有詩,有關於跨域觀察,體驗藝術人文的細微,目前每週更新親近藝文的內容工具,提供您參考。我是CC/希浠 -- CC是帶著缺的兩個圓圈,是記錄跨域生活使用的符號,靈感取自〈圈兒詞〉宋代女詞人朱淑真一封作弄夫婿的信;希浠是一條載著希望的小溪,盼與您一起/持續交流學習,謝謝您的來訪回饋與關注支持 .♡.