In the name of Taiwan -- On the dispute over the Senkaku Islands

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In the name of Taiwan

On the dispute over the Senkaku Islands

by HoonTing/ translated by SW

For Taiwan to claim the Senkaku Islands in the name of ROC, i.e. the Republic government of China, is a delicate trap baited by MYJ and China. It is dangerously infeasible.  Then, how do native Taiwanese, i.e. the non-ROC group, base their claim to the disputed islands?

In view of international laws, Japan stands a fair chance to win the post-WWII argumentation over the Senkaku Islands. Japan mandated Okinawa in the SFPT to the U.S. in terms of legislation, administration, and jurisdiction, but retained the residual sovereignty.  On December 25th, 1953, the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) issued the Civil Administration Proclamation No. 27[1] noting that Okinawa included the Senkaku Islands, which were further incorporated into the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty in 1960.  Based on Japan’s residual sovereignty, the U.S. returned Okinawa to the Japan government, along with the Senkaku Islands, in 1972.

Since the return of Okinawa, the U.S. has regarded the Senkaku Islands as Japan’s territory, and hence does not hold an official position on the dispute.

This is where Japan bases her confidence, and where President Lee Teng-hui bases his position of Realpolitik. However, Taiwanese politicians must realize the fact that a territorial return to zero in this specific region is to precede the settlement of the dispute.  Which means a high probability of Taiwan’s independence, or the reunification with China or Japan, during the inevitable dramatic change that might surpass international laws or Realpolitik.

To prepare for the change, Taiwan, instead of the ROC, is obliged to seek her own geological, historic, customary and national security arguments in claiming the Senkaku Islands.  The islands are the stretch of Datun Mountains continental shelf, a geological extension of Formosa.  Historically, the Kingdom of Lesser-Ryuku(小琉球國), which was mainly composed of Taiwan, covered the Huang-Mao Islets(黃茅嶼), i.e. the Senkaku Islands, according to Ming Dynasty’s official Maritime Defense Map(《乾坤一統海防全圖》)produced in 1605. As to the customary aspect, the Senkaku Islands have long been part of Taiwan’s fisheries.

These are the sound basis for Taiwan’s claim to the disputed islands.  To open up brilliant, favorable prospects for Taiwan, we simply can’t afford to ignore and abandon such arguments as shall guarantee Taiwan’s presence in future territorial negotiations.  Alas, DPP politicians haven’t demonstrated required creativity and vision in making judgments critical to Taiwan’s future.    20120902  

Related Article:
In the name of Taiwan -- On the dispute over the Senkaku Islands

[1] accessed on 20120902

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    嗨,我chew。今天我看了一部電影,The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. 這部電影的背景設定在二戰,德國的一個軍官家庭,講述小男孩Bruno的日常生活。 整部電影圍繞著Shmuel與Bruno兩人之間的情誼,雖然篇幅不長,不過感動力十足。